Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I’m afraid.

I have so many dreams. I’m afraid i cant accomplish it. I have set my goal for this year. Yet suddenly so many opportunities come to me.

One thing for sure, i have to must finish my thesis really soon. I must graduate this July. That’s it. But i’m afraid i cant. God, please help me. Please make me stronger through these things.



Monday, March 29, 2010


Holla!! i’m back!! :D i’m glad to be home!! meet my comfort bed and specially the internet :)

But i love my KKN stuffs also..hahaha.. Tinggal di Code selama kurang dari seminggu ternyata menyenangkan juga.. Kerjaan tiap hari kebanyakan sih agak nganggur, sempet bantu ngecat tembok di pinggir bantaran subuh2, bantu penimbangan di posyandu.. udah gitu ngasih penyuluhan komposter. Do u know composter? Alat pemanfaatan sampah yang outputnya bisa dijadiin pupuk. Dan ternyata penggunaannya pun relatif mudah. Yang penting larutan EM4 nya bekerja dgn sempurna aja sih.. Kerjaan rutin di sini adl ngajar anak2 belajar. Karakter anak2 di setiap RW pun beda2.. Yg di RW 8 plg brutal..haha.. karena jumlah mereka tergolong banyak dan dr berbagai umur. RW 7 karena masi pd kecil2 jadi lumayan nurut. RW 1 yg paling males dan lebih prefer maen bola ketimbang belajar. lol. Dan para pria pengajar akhirnya malah tanding sepakbola.

It’s nice being a teacher. Tp susah jg kalo yg diajar ga ngerti2, bikin naek darah.haha.. Dan kebanyakan anak disana menganggap Bahasa Inggris adalah momok. How come? Padahal dari jaman aku SD, english is one of my fave lessons.. hihi.. Anak kecil2 lebih sopan. Kalo mau pulang mereka cium tangan dulu. Lucu skaliii :)

About my friends. Banyak banget karakter yg tumpah ruah disini. Yah, bayangin aja, 20 orang ngumpul jadi 1. Ada yg dominan, ada yg suka jd badut kelompok alias super konyol, ada yg nurutan, ada yg polos, ada yg lemot jg, ada ahli konsultasi spiritual, ghost hunter, dll dll dll. Tapi semuanya cukup menyenangkan. I really had fun with them :) Sempet ada bbrp ketegangan selama live-in. Tp oke lah, anggap lah itu bumbu2 pelengkap. haha..

Enaknya KKN di Code adalah ADPL gak terlalu strict dan ga suka meriksa2. jarang banget ada sidak. We can do whatever we want to. Gampang banget buat keluar dr lokasi. Ditambah lagi kita ga disediain makan dr induk semang. Di penggal utara dan tengah, mereka dpt makan 3 kali sehari dan snack. Di penggal selatan, duit dikasih 30000/hari buat makan. And we could save a lot from that. Dan keuntungannya adl kita slalu kluar dr lokasi buat cari makan :)

Selama aku KKN aja udah sempet 2x pulang dan makan d rumah. yay! terus jalan ke superindo, pasar beringharjo, sama ke dewats. Sering banget berkunjung ke penggal utara dan tengah. Nasib jd penghuni di ujung bawah, plg jarang dikunjungi.. Yg ada malah dikunjungi sama si PhD kampret. lol. Makanan yg udah disambangi, Mc.D, soto di pasar, bakso bethesda, ayam goreng code, sate podomoro, angkringan depan rusun, warung ramesan di depan pasar demangan, nasgor babi pasar, nasgor babat. Ga terlalu banyak makan tp ntah mengapa aku mrasa semakin gendut :(

Everything was so fun! Dulu rasanya jalan dr kelurahan ke rusun tuh jauh banget. Tapi pas live in kok jd brasa deket ya? Udah gitu warga di Code pun ramah2. Tapi ada sialnya jg denk KKN di penggal selatan, Mr. X yg cerewet dan banyak maunya itu tidak membiarkan kita kabur begitu saja.. posko hrs tetep ada yg jaga.. ealah bos2, kapan rampung’e nek ngene iki??!! *translate : kapan selesainya kalo kaya gini?* lol.

Not to forget, i met 3 wonderful dogs, named Dedek, Noni, and MOchi. Dedek is a golden, and he’s so smart. Just like Buddy in Airbud movie. He plays soccer very well. Noni is a Tsi-Zhu. Sedikit ga terawat, tp lucu bangettttt… Mochi is a tekkel. Sangat2 nakal. Sukanya gigitin buntutnya Noni. But they are very2 gorgeous!!

Malam terakhir di lokasi diisi dengan jalan2 ke Benteng subuh2. Foto2 is a must. Ga brasa sampe tadi foto KKN udah 250an.. wth.. Belom dr yg kamera hp sm kamera org laen. Dan masih akan terus berlanjut sampai sebulan ke depan.. oh well..

Lalu apakah ada cinta lokasi di penggal selatan?? Aku tak tahu..hahahhaa.. Maybe yes, maybe no ;p

Proker akan terus berlanjut sampe sebulan ke depan, brarti kita masi akan terus bolak balik ke Code. hiks. Melelahkan.. Selaen friendship, yg jelas hasil KKN ini meninggalkan lemak :( dan mungkin bagi sebagian orang, meninggalkan herpes.. lol. get well soon guys! KKN udah lumayan berakhir.. Saatnya kembali berkutat dengan skripshit. ganbatte!!

*see my KKN photos in facebook album : http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=155410&id=597932988 and http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=155444&id=597932988*




Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Okay, let me say..

I was surprised very much when u said that to me. Though i already had that feeling. I dont know, but i just could feel it. And yeah, once again, it’s unbelievable. It’s crazy.

Sorry to say, but i cant. At least for now. I need to know u more. I need to have our time together before deciding this important thing. Because i’m not a kinda girl that easily plays with a relationship. Maybe i was, when i’m a teenager. But for now, i’m thinking forward, i’m thinking about my future also. So yeah, u already understood, and everything is as simple as the beginning now.

Thank you for liking me. I cant call it love, Cause for me, it’s just too fast. Do u call it love? Or it’s just your rush? What do u feel about me? Feeling is important, It starts everything. But it’s not enough for me if u only have a feeling for me. I cant take a risk, right?

What makes u like me? haha.. How could a short daily conversation in our chat make u like me?! Haha.. It’s weird. Cause it was so random since the beginning. Plus, we’ve never met. Well, u can ask everything to me :) And by the way, answering my questions above would be lovely. lol.



Monday, March 22, 2010

Off to Kali Code

Dear readers,

i will be off from my blog for a week.. Thank God it’s just a week. I will go downtown to do my KKN stuffs.. Hahahaha.. I dont know if i can find internet connection there. So bad i dont have a USB modem..

I will make a note about my KKN daily.. And i’m gonna post it when i’m home :D i hope everything’s gonna be alright. Good sleep, good food, good friends, good neighboors, good work.

I hope i wont be bored to death there..haha.. I wish i had enough entertain. lol.

See ya soon!! :)



Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Name is Khan

This movie is great!! Great messages!! And all is about love :D Whatever your religion, race, and beliefs, there are only 2 differences in this world, the good people and bad people. I cried a lot..haha.. Though i saw this in theatre but i couldnt hold my tears..huahaha.. The saddest part is when Sam died.. And i must admit that Shahrukh Khan acted really good..

Well the story is about a guy, named Rizvan Khan, a Mosleem, who has an asperger syndrome, and has a lil autism. He’s afraid of loud voice, yellow, he scares to be in new place. But though he’s sick, he’s smart. He repairs almost everything.

When he was a child, his mom gave him a lesson of life that school doesnt taught. Well, Khan grows up and moves to US. He finds his love there. They got married. Fyi, Mandira is Hindhu India. So yeah, they have a different religion and worship God in different ways. They live happily, have a good relationship with the neighboor. All is perfect, until..

9/11 was happening. US people start hating Mosleems. The husband (neighboor) died when reporting news from Afghanistan.  That makes his son, which is friend with Sam, angry. One thing happens and make Sam died. Mandira cant handle her feeling and anger. She blames Khan for Sam’s death. She regrets that she married a Mosleem man. She screams at Khan, tells him that he should go meet Mr. President and tell him, “MY NAME IS KHAN AND I’M NOT A TERRORIST”.

After that, the story is just about the journey of Khan in order to meet President of US. Khan struggles very hard, meets so many different people. Because of 9/11, some Mosleems are losing their identity, they remove their ‘turban’ and ‘jilbab’. But Khan is stick to his way. He prays and worships God as usual. He helps Christian people. He donates his money to African hunger kids. And so on and so on..

Okay, no more spoilers. haha.. This movie is worth to see :) I still have my puffy eyes till now..lol.




Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tell Me Where It Hurts by MYMP

Why is that sad look in your eyes
Why are you crying?
Tell me now, tell me now
Tell me, why you're feelin' this way
I hate to see you so down, oh baby!
Is it your heart
Oh, that's breakin' all in pieces
Makin' you cry
Makin' you feel blue
Is there anything that I can do
Why don't you tell me where it hurts now, baby
And I'll do my best to make it better
Yes, I'll do my best to make those tears all go away
Just tell me where it hurts
Now, tell me
And I love you with a love so tender
Oh and if you let me stay
I'll love all of the hurt away

Where are all those tears coming from
Why are they falling?
somebody, somebody, somebody left your heart in the cold
You just need somebody to hold on, baby
Give me a chance
To put back all the pieces
Take your broken heart
Make it just like new
There's so many things that I can do
Is it your heart
Oh, that's breakin' all in pieces
Makin' you cry
Makin' you feel blue
Is there anything that I can do
Tell me baby, tell me
Is there anything that i can do, babe
Just tell me where it hurts
Now, tell me
And I love you with a love so tender
Oh, and if you let me stay
I'll love all of the hurt away

Especially For You by MYMP

Especially for you
I wanna let you know what I was going through
All the time we were apart I thought of you
You were in my heart
My love never changed
I still feel the same
Especially for you
I wanna tell you I was feeling that way too
And if dreams were wings, you know
I would have flown to you
To be where you are
No matter how far
And now that I’m next to you

No more dreaming about tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I’ve got to say
It’s all because of you
And now we’re back together,
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love I have is
Especially for you

Especially for you
I wanna tell you, you mean all the world to me
How I’m certain that our love was
Meant to be
You changed my life
You showed me the way
And now I’m next to you
I’ve waited long enough to find you
I wanna put all the hurt behind you
And I wanna bring out the love
Inside you, oh and
Now were back together, together
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love I have is
Especially for you

You were in my heart
My love never changed
And now that I’m next to you
No more dreaming about tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I’ve got to say
It’s all because of you

And now we’re back together,
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love I have is
Especially for you

Together, together
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love I have is
Especially for you

My Voice Video =)

Hello!! :) this is my very first video..
and i'm kinda shy..
I'm sorry for the only voice and pictures.. because i dont have any webcam =(
I really love acoustic so the first video that i uploaded was acoustic. These 2 songs is sang by MYMP (Make Your Momma Proud), a Philippines acoustic band. I’ll post the lyrics at my next post.
Enjoy =)



Cerita Hidup 2

Hehe.. i should write it yesterday with my previous post.. But i forgot..

Just wanna share, mengapa banyak orang berwajah baik, polos, alim, or whatever u call it, sebenernya tidak sebaek itu. Sering denger pepatah dont judge a book by its cover? And yes, that’s totally true! Never judge people from their look or physical performance.

Banyak kasus di sekitarku sendiri, yg ga perlu dijelaskan secara gamblang lah. Ternyata si A tu tukang maenan cowo. Si B doyan ngerokok sm minum2, dll. Yang tentunya itu ga akan disangka2 oleh kebanyakan orang.

Bukan menjelek2an orang lain, karena aku pun sebenernya punya banyak kekurangan. Tapi aku sendiri bisa dinilai dari luar lah. Most people said kalo aku bukan tipe orang yg alim2 polos dan berwajah malaikat gitu. Kebalikannya mereka pasti bilang aku galak. Gak ada alim2nya sama sekali, kadang pun suka ketangkep misuh (alias ngumpat, ngeluarin binatang, dll). Haha, okey it’s only intermezo..

Biasanya orang tua atau orang kolot, menganggap kalo cewek tatoan itu gak baek. Cowok banyak tindikan kayak preman. Sebenernya yg paling penting sih gimana diri kita sendiri menyikapinya. Gimana kebiasaan orang lain itu tidak memberi pengaruh buruk ke kita. Selama kita berada di jalan yg bener sih ga masalah.

One thing i heard and i keep it as my guide. U can do whatever you like, whatever you want. It’s your own so just be responsible with that. When troubles happen, u dont involve anyone. So think twice before u do something :)

Hmmm, i guess that’s all for tonight. I’m tired of this KKN. KKN = 3S (shitty sucks stuffs). Haha ;p

Good night readers.

*music of the day : I don't know what I can save you from - Kings of Convenience*



Monday, March 15, 2010

Cerita Hidup

Tadi pagi pas brangkat on my way ke kampus.. Ngeliat simbog2 udah agak tua gitu.. Kayaknya kerjaannya pemulung.. Dia bawa bakul yg gede banget, mungkin diameternya sekitar 70cm, which is so big i think.. Udah gitu isinya bejibun, Mulai dr dus2, plastik, sampe ada perangkap tikus segala.

I was thinking that the old lady is so poor. And i felt sorry for her. I was sad looking her like that. She works so hard, and we dont know how far she walks everyday.

The point is, tetep harus mensyukuri apa yg udah kita punya skarang. At least ga kekurangan satu apapun juga. Masi bisa maen2, blajar, dll. Tapi entah mengapa manusia (and me of course) ga pernah ngerasa puas dgn apa yg dia punya.. Ga cuma harta deh, segala hal. Kita selalu ngelihat rumput tetangga lebih hijau. Why? I still dont have the answer…

Huaaaa.. satu hal lagi.. Jalan hidup manusia memang ga bisa ditebak. Terkadang kita yg ngerasa ga sakit apapun, masih muda, seger buger, bisa dipanggil Tuhan kapan aja. Masi kayak tweetku kemaren, just live our life to the fullest. Dan usahakan selalu berbuat baik pada siapapun. Even when we hate them. I know it’s hard. Kalopun ga berbuat baek ya biasa2 aja deh, ga usah jahat2 juga. Feel so sorry for those people who left by their beloved one :(

Last thing, i dont know how to deal with someone. It’s hard. I cant talk, i cant ask, i cant tell. Pertama, selalu ada rahasia di dirinya, In fact, dia ga suka kalo aku maen rahasia2an sama dia. Kedua, kenapa harus sembunyi2 kalo baik? Kalo sembunyi2 brarti gak pengen diketahui orang laen, brarti busuk donk? Ketiga, benci banget sama orang yg menjilat ludah sendiri. In serious case.

Oh well, i just hope everything’s gonna be alright, to all the people i love. Gbus :)

--- music of the day : Halo - Beyonce ---



Hectic Day (Journey of Thesis 5)

Wuahhhh.. it’s been a hectic day!!

supa busy since morning.. woke up at 7.30 then met my lecturer.. haha.. twice laa.. lol. aite, so i just be honest with her that i dont know where to start. n now i got the point.. have to determine reorder point first, and forecast the probability of demands. ow yeah.. which is i forgot. haha.. still dont have any ideas to start this =P

met my friends for kkn stuffs at the library. in process of making PKM (program kreativitas mahasiswa) for DIKTI with energy as the subject. if the proposal goal, we’ll get 10 million rupiahs as a support. arghh!! but still so much to do! and due date is at thursday. hell!! =(

continued to have meeting with tata hijau team at 1.30 pm. with a big and heavy rain.. woohoo! i decided not to go home cos i still have a meeting with the south team at 7 pm. oh well.. i’m tired now =(

and my friends ask me to join the karaoke this nite. i dont know if i would go or not. huaaaaaa.. i wanna sleep -______-

see ya. i’m over.



Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Morning

I missed sunday morning.

i’ve been blogging till late last night. so yeah, i woke up at 2 pm this morning.. i meant, noon. haha.. what a lazy lady..

Planned to go with mom at night.. n yeah, we did it. i dont know what was happening to her. she’s weird.. cos suddenly she wanted to shopping. oh well, she bought the white musk iris eau de toilette (limited edition), and since i have the body shop card member, and that product is 3 for 2, so i bought the same thing also. n for the bonus i took shea body butter. haha.. and i bought a jeans too :)

so yeah, my preparation for kkn stuffs is almost done. i just need one thing, which is ‘gayung’ ! lol. i need it cos i think i will go shower in a public baths. oh well.. i hope i get an appropriate home. and foods of course.

coba4 *my laptop wallpaper part 2*

music of the day : Hey Lloyd I’m ready to be heartbroken - Camera Obscura



Sat Nite

I have a new font.. hahaha… can u read it? it’s one of so many fonts i’ve downloaded for my scrapbook thingy.. haha..

I feel empty. i miss someone who can fills my heart. Someone who makes my heart beats so fast. Someone who makes me feel comfort. Someone i trust.

Is there anybody out there who can do that things? :)

But what my friend’s say is also true, it’s better to be single than to be together with the wrong people.

Relationship is complicated.

Some people say, it’s hard to have the same mission, vission, and perspective between two people. But a nice quote also say, that God created us to be different. That’s why love exist. To unify that differences.

Well, what do u think?

Anyway, i just made a wallpaper for my lappie..haha.. i’m tired of using celeb’s face. Now it’s time to create something more personal. and voila!! i loveeee this :)





Friday, March 12, 2010

Je suis amoureux de Forever 21

I have nothing to do… hihiihi… so i go search forever 21 stuffs.. i hope f21 is in jogja, but my best wish for f21 is just dont change the price.. please.. the stuffs become so expensive here ==’

ah well.. my wishlist :)


71644417-01 75334849-01


72981502-01 74003182-01


73324771-01 73324771-07

i dont know why i really love this dress.. the cutting is unique i guess.. thought maybe i will be look fat in this dress..hahaha.. dresses below are also great!! :)

88943470-01 88943470-01 (1) 76019452-01


59613361-02 71370034-01

i know i will wear those kind of shoes rarely.. but i still so in love with those platform..huaaaaa…

it’s only f21..we still have so many brands! haha..topshop, mango, zara, pull n bear, dorothy perkins, warehouse, and so on and so on.. @__@ n feels like i want it all.. LOL

sorry for this random post ;)




Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Unique Shoes

Aloha world.. it’s almost 4 am and i didnt sleep yet..haha.. surprise2 :D i’ve been watchin the stepfather.. played by penn badgley.. it’s a thriller one, n quite rushing my adrenaline.. haha.. it was supposed to be a 1,5 hours film but i made it into 2,5 hours. lol.. i was busy downloading some scrapbook stuffs.. ;p

while i was searching for some digital kits, i found this website n i think this website is completely complete! haha.. it’s awesome.. if u’re interested about art, photo, design, graphic, or anything about that, than just visit it..

n i found this pictures also.. very2 unique shoes :)

0009bfa4_medium 0009bfa5_medium 0009bfa6_medium 0009bfa7_medium 0009bfa8_medium 0009b88f_medium 0009b891_medium 0009b893_medium 0009b53a_medium

do u know that i still have 5 digital kits to download? haha..will be busy tomorrow..lol.. well enjoy the website!! :D

good night world.




Monday, March 8, 2010

House of Raminten Tragedy


Let me introduce u all to House of Raminten.. one of hangout places in yogyakarta.. it’s a cafe with traditional food n beverages (call it ‘jamu’) n they also have a place for traditional massage. the location is in Jl. FM Noto 7 Kotabaru, beside Mirota Bakery.

u know what, at 1st i was thinking.. i’ll bring foreigner to this place, because the atmosphere is really2 traditional.. u can feel the javanese atmosphere from the music, the costume of the workers, place, decoration.. they have a horse cart there.. it’s really unique.. but now, what can i say is I DEFINITELY WILL NEVER EVER GO THERE AGAIN.. i was really disappointed with the service.. errrr.. today is my 2nd time to go there.. they always have crowded situation, n it makes me confused. how come?! the cheap price? the traditional atmosphere? what makes raminten always full of customers?



*the traditional atmosphere*

so tonite i came at 8 pm.. my friends was already had their foods n drinks. my cousin still waited her pourige. then i also ordered a pourige which is really2 big, orange, n ice tea.. my cousin’s order finally came. and me? i was waiting for an hour.. i asked the man worker, told him i havent got my order.. minutes later i asked again to another man worker.. i know that added order will take a lil long.. it was 9.45 pm n i asked again to the woman worker. i was mad.. really pissed.. i wanted to scream.. all dirty words came out from my mouth.haha.. i cant be more patient than this.. this is crazy! finally she came out, n said that the pourige was out of stock. haha..haha..haha.. i was like, WHAT?! u made me wait for 2 hours n what i got is a sorry?!! screw u! eat that sorry! cih! =( n my drinks came out at that time too..after 2 hours.. it’s only orange n ice tea!  oh wow, should i go to the kitchen and make it by myself?! she said, sorry, we have many queue orders n bla3.. i dont know what kind of management they applied there.. so everytime i asked to the man workers, they just said yes but didnt check it out?! and after we ordered they didnt check it also? fyi, we order to the woman workers and we have to pay directly after that. they even bring a handie talkie! for what?! accesories?! argghh!! i really dont understand why people keep visiting house of raminten, in fact they have a very2 bad service..


*washbasin pourige. u can wash your face there. lol*

at the end i went to Mc’Donalds n ate my large french fries. hufh.. and also thanks to Kings of Convenience who smoothen my mood now :)




Sunday, March 7, 2010

Alone. Scrapbook.

Hyahaha,,looks like a title of horror movie yaaa.. silly.. so glad i’m not the type who scares to any ghosts or horror movies..lol. so yeaa, because of the kkn coaching, which was so so boring, i couldnt go to my cousin’s wedding yesterday.. which means i couldnt go to bandung, i couldnt go to PVJ, shopping!! aaaaaa… i hate kkn!! n now i’m home alone.. my brother has to work.. n i dun have any idea where is si pembokat.. she went somewhere too yesterday.. ewwww…

i have nothing to do.. i have nothing to do.. i cant do my thesis also.. just read the magazine, n only play with the laptop.. try new thing, which is scrapbooking..hahaha..i love digital scrapbooking! here is very useful link with so many digital kits. the digital kits have different themes.. one digital kit usually consists of papers, elements, and the alphabets.  u can download it n the best part is it’s FREE :D maybe at 1st u’ll think that u have to pay for it, but just follow the instruction n fill the blank like usually.. i guarantee it’s free.

go here n happy sightseeing :)

here are some of my creations.. not much, cause it really takes so long to make one scrapbook.. haha.. coba2

banner baru

what do u think? i love my new blog banner!! it’s elegant..haha.. i had a very confusing situation on deciding which fonts i would use for the title.. at the last i picked this one.. i’m about making another really soon! haha..

ah, did i mention that i really love listening lady antebellum now? the songs are nice.. n easy listening.. i’m getting closer to be a country girl i think..haha.. my faves are I Run To You, Need You Now, and Perfect Day. try one! :)




Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Journey of My Thesis (part 4)

Hahahaha.. yesterday i went to the new library..woohoo!! it’s a 4 floor building.. kinda cool for my uni..lol.. but it’s kinda hard to find the book there.. since so many books are placed there, from all the faculty. but i just needed to look at some thesis. so yeaa, i went down to the basement n got what i need. haha..

yepp, i was doing my chapter 1,2 and 3.. but i aint finished it yet.. with my mineral bottle, my music, and a very quiet room, i’ve been really enjoying myself there..hahaha.. i will go there again soon. really soon. but wait, i forget one thing, it’s so hot in the thesis area. errrr!! why they didnt put some ACs there?!

anyway, i havent got my datas till now.. i think mbak deti is forget that she should check her email. so i’m deciding to go there tomorrow. so bad, i’m lack of focus n encourage now..haha.. oh God, please dont let it happen.. lol. the rest of this week, i think i will be busy with the kkn stuffs. *sigh*

and again.. i’m tired.

