Saturday, June 26, 2010


Lupa blom post tentang Pehcun kemaren.. Btw, apa itu Pehcun ya? Kebudayaan China tapi aku lupa apa itu.. Pokoknya orang2 bikin bakcang, trus mereka melakukan sesuatu di laut. Well, i dont understand that Chinese thingy. hahhaaha..

Jadi hari itu, untuk pertama kalinya aku pergi ke perayaan Pehcun di Parangtritis. There’s something interesting there, so from 12 – 14, u can make an egg to stand. And they said it only happens on Pehcun day. Ga tau bener apa ngga sih, tp pas hari itu telor2 itu emank bener2 bisa berdiri. Rada2 takjub juga. Bahkan yg di rumah pada ny0ba pun emank bisa berdiri. Aku sendiri blom membuktikan di hari laen bisa berdiri ga telor2 itu.  And the most interesting part was the journalist. We were on the side of the stage, and they were gathered around us, taking our picture. And bamm, our photo were featured in the newspaper the next day. lol. So here we come, the pics :)

36465_1427190553755_1052539577_31224869_4749872_n      -believe it or not, they were really standing there-

36465_1427189593731_1052539577_31224864_439124_n 36465_1427181033517_1052539577_31224832_8336563_n 36465_1427184513604_1052539577_31224846_6945790_n_¸±±¾ 35857_1427391238772_1052539577_31225473_4699546_n 35857_1427391278773_1052539577_31225474_5357140_n -had so much fun with fellas :) -


xoxo, S

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