Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gunung Kidul Tourism (Beaches in 1 Region)

Gunung Kidul is a part of Jogjakarta Province, with Wonosari as the state. It lies in the south east of Jogjakarta City. We spend usually 1 hour to reach Wonosari. They offer natural beaches as the main tourism destinations and also the other natural objects.

Baron beach is a main beach tourism object and the most crowded beach among the others. It is surrounded by limestone hills, with a path on it. On the west, there’s a mouth of underground river, so that there’s a place where salt-water and fresh-water meet. The hills are so pretty indeed. But the crowded are too much. Outside the beach there are many small restaurant that offer seafood and other foods, but it’s not recommended to eat there. The other beaches lay at the east of Baron beach.100_1452 100_1453

100_1451_¸±±¾ - The lake where salt-water and fresh-water meet-

Kukup beach is a beautiful large white-sand beach, where we can find various kind of sea fishes sold by some traders along the beach. There’s also a coral isle with a viewpost to enjoy the sea.escape

Sepanjang beach is a natural conservation beach because in certain time turtles lay eggs. It lies about 1km of the east of Kukup beach.wsepanjang1

Drini beach is a traditional fishermen harbor and a fish public center. There’s also a coral island and many Drini trees that can be used to avoid poisonous snake. Drini is my favorite beach among the other that i visited yesterday :) 100_1456100_1461_¸±±¾ 100_1465_¸±±¾ 100_1475_¸±±¾ 100_1477

Krakal Beach is the longest beach among the other beaches. The white sand sparkling along the beach is very ideal for tourists who want to enjoy the sea scenery. Pantai Krakal (2)

Sundak beach is the other famous beach like Baron. It offers a place for camping ground. Not far from the beach, there’s a fresh-water source in a small cave and used by people to supply their drinking water. There are some villas and cottages not far from Sundak beach, check my previous post about Villa Crab.100_1484_¸±±¾

Siung beach is located in Purwodadi village, about 35 km from Wonosari. Its typical character is the cliff surrounding the beach and very ideal for rock-climbing. The facilities to reach the beach is pretty good. Pantai Siung 4

Wediombo beach is so so far from Sundak (my thoughts :P). Though it’s only 40 km from Wonosari. You can see the sea panorama from above the hills or from  the beach. I didnt go to the beach on my last visit, too tired to went down there. 100_1485dscf0155

Sadeng beach is lies on the east of the beach range in Gunung Kidul. Sadeng beach is potential with its lobsters and tuna fish exported abroad. In the journey before we reach Sadeng beach, we can also enjoy the view of Suling Lake, a valley believed as the down stream of the ancient Bengawan Solo River which is suitable for tracking.sadeng pantai4

There are other beaches i dont mention above, like Indrayanti beach, Ngrenehan beach, etc. Beside so many beaches in the same region, we can also enjoy the karst area of Pegunungan Sewu (Sewu mountain) and i really2 excited to go there on my next trip, enjoying the cave and lake. Below is Gunung Kidul map and tourism spot. Enjoy!!Peta dan Rute Wisata Pantai Gunungkidul



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