Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First Day At Office

My first day at the office yesterday was quite exciting.. Met another new members of BDP Batch 14. So we got total 22 people in the class, and all will become an Account Officer.
Actually the first day was only an introduction of BCA and BDP, we just sat and heard the Lady talking.. And it was sooo sleepy.. And also got 2 snack-break and a lunch.. Haha..
I'm about to have a jungle survival this afternoon!! Oh wow!! Will post the experience later :D
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!


Anonymous said...

mau permisi tanya... tp ptanyaanny rada nganeh. hehe (*^(oo)^*)๑๑∽๑๑

kalo ikut pendidikan di BDP BCA tu mesti pake bawahan item n atasan putih gk si?

thnxヅ (*⌒.^)^-⌒*)°°☆ y...

kalo ikut pendidikan di BDP BCA tu mesti pake bawahan item n atasan putih gk si?

thnxヅ (*⌒.^)^-⌒*)°°☆ y...

susan said...

hello..sorry yah baru sadar kalo ada comment..

kalo BDP BCA bebas kok bajunya.. jumat jg santai.. yg item putih itu kalo kamu ikut magang bakti :)