Novel pertama yg dari Indo itu judulnya The Infamous terbitan Gagas Media. The cover is pretty cool, very attracting. The summary behind the book is interesting too, made me curious at the first time. But then, don't be so surprise when the whole book doesn't match at all with the summary. Sama sekali ga ada cerita di summary yg ada di isi buku itu. Yang jelas kebaca di summary dan emank bener ada di dalem buku adalah pasti si tokoh ini banyak mengalami kesialan sama cowok. Buku yg notabene harusnya jd chicklit lebih brasa jadi teenlit buat aku. Alur ceritanya kurang luar biasa. Well,biarpun gaya ceritanya agak mirip novel2 luar. Dan btw, editor bukunya kurang teliti, masi ada kalimat inggris dengan grammar salah (bahkan aku yg grammarnya ga sempurna aja tau kalo itu salah) dan beberapa tulisan yg typoo. Kalo ada yg bikin buku itu menarik ya pasti karena mereka liat cover dan baca summary di belakang buku. Taruhan mereka pasti kecewa baca isinya..
Well, buku kedua yg karangan Sophie Kinsella berjudul Twenties Girl alias gadis taun 20-an. Tapi disini indonesian title nya jadi Gadis Charleston. Fyi, charleston itu jenis musik di taun 20an. Well, summary belakangnya buat aku biasa aja. Interesting but flat. Well mungkin karena dia Sophie Kinsella, jadi kita penasaran sama buku2nya. Yah, faktor nama yg udah membahana ;) Tapi begitu baca dalemnya, really2 enjoy it. The beginning of the story was quite boring,to be honest. But then I couldn't stop reading it. I slept at 4 am for 3 nights, only because read this book! Cool, huh? I bet u're curious right now. It's a brilliant story though, and I wish someone would make the movie version. It's gonna be very interesting!!
Well, It's not my intention to compare Indonesian book and international book. It was just a coincidence that these 2 books really2 different, in opposite way! Haha.. But that Twenties Girl is really2 recommended to read!! Specially for they who have nothin to do, just like me :( and it's been so long since I haven't read any novels again.. And kinda miss writing too, but I don't have any ideas, yet.
Okay,lemme sleep now.. Tally-hoo!!
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