Monday, September 13, 2010

Blogging Through Blackberry Smartphone

Hey.. I'm trying to bloggin via blackberry.. Let's see if this post will be posted in my blog later.

As a blogger it will be very useful to post your note on the move,since ideas can come anytime!! So yeah, I'm dying to know how to blog through my blackberry.

Well, u all know that I'm using blogspot which means that the domain at my email's gonna be It's so easy to post your note via blackberry..

First,u go to your blogger account and click settings and then choose email&mobiles. U have to fill your email-to-blog email which is gonna be Make sure that the secret word only known by u. U also can choose to publish your post immediately or save it on a draft and publish it later.

So, everytime u want to post your note, u can compose an email from your blackberry and send it to your email-to-blog email. The subject of email will be your title of post and the body of the email will be the body of your post. It's so simple, isnt it?! :)

Well,let's see if I can attach picture to my blog :)
*i guess I can't arrange the picture's placement..too bad*
It's raining heavily outside!! Can't go anywhere :(
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

-additional through pc-
okay, so it's right that we cant arrange the picture, it will be on the top of the post, always.. i guess.. And i dont know how to put the label of the post,.

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