Trus tiba2 gw mengingat-ingat past relationship gw sendiri. Have I ever felt that kind of el-oh-vi-ee that she describes on the book? I guess I have. Once. a love that makes you wanna do anything to him, you have butterflies inside your stomach, you can easily cry because of him, and of course you can't be separated with him. Oh wait, I'm afraid it was also lust. Ha! :P But I did feel it though it was ended too just like fitrop.
I don't usually remember or count my relationship too. Jujur aja gw bukan tipe pengingat sesuatu, yg curcol sm gw aja bisa gampang gw lupain topiknya. Tapi kayaknya seru jg nih bongkar2 crita lalu. Haha.. Pertama pacaran ato monyet2an sm cowok itu kelas 6SD. OkE, sebenErnya gw lupa jg sampe pacaran kah kita ketika itu, yg jelas sih gw dijodoh2in sm dia. Trs yg gw inget gw putus trs gw sok chEesy suka ngirimin lirik lagu M2M ke dia. Wkwkwk.. Setelah putus gw jd kyk musuhan sm dia, dan diem2an sampe smp. N then gw udah jarang bgt deh kEtEmu dia. Next, pacar pErtama di SMP adl bintang basket, bad boy plus playboy cap kadal gitu deh. Jadian krn maen tembak2an dan cuma seminggu kalo ga salah. Yg plg gw inget sih gw kalo pacaran nyumpetnya di aula, duduk di box buat lompat jauh sambil pegangan tangan. Wkwkwk.. Yg gw inget selanjutnya cowo gw jaman kelas 2, cowo yg tiap hari ketemu di sekolah trs tiap hari telpon2an sampe tidur. Ibarat tiap hari ngobrol dan cuma diselingin makan, mandi sama tidur. I know he was really care about me but then I made him a lil bit disappointed :( kalo ga salah sempet putus nyambung juga). Haha :D abis itu banyak monyet2 semasa smp, ada yg cuma itungan hari, minggu, bulan, haha.. Yg cukup diingat slanjutnya adl pacar yg awalnya temen dkt gw. Well, I rEally enjoyEd our short relationship though, I felt very comfortable with him actually, tapi gara2 msk sma yg beda, lama2 gw jd bosen dan putus lah kita. But I have my own song with him, My Boo! Hahaha.. The lyrics speak it all :))
Oke, di sma gw sedikit jd ga gaul sm cowo (berhubung sma gw cewe smua yee) so cowo pun bisa dibilang ga punya. Paling sedikit fling sm 1 atau 2 orang aja. Untung gw masih doyan cowok! Haha.. Next di jaman awal kuliah, gw ada naksir sm kakak angkatan gw which was my asdos, dan dia pun sebenernya 'kayak' ngasih sinyal, tp setelah banyak pertimbangan akhirnya ga jadi deh.. Dan gw lupa gara2 apa, yg gw inget kita sempet jalan ber2 gitu deh.. Dmn y dia skrg?? Gw jg sempEt punya cowo yg super duper over-reacted dan protektif, suka ngElarang dan ga beralasan, tp di sisi lain dia tu pilar2 Ekonomi gw jg (my bad), so it's kinda hard to let him go. Tapi lama2 gw ngerasa gila jg, luar biasa terkekang dan yg jelas jd sering bohong demi menghindari pertengkaran. and it's just so wrong, so broke up was the only way. and I felt completely happy after that. Ceilee!! x)
Let's see, now this is it, the one who I think I was madly in love with. Waktu itu kita ldr-an, tapi hampir tiap minggu dia dateng sih. anyway, all I could think is him, like I could skip my class only to meet him, brokE my mom's heart just to be with him. and so did hE, I know exactly how much his sacrifices for me and also I was introduced to his family already. So yeah, for us at that time love was always in the air. WE were trully madly deeply in love. Untilllll.... Mungkin ini bukan yg dipikirin anak umur 19 taun sih, sebagai anak yg baru kuliah pasti saat itu moto hidup gw adl go with the flow dan yg jelas target utama gw adl lulus kuliah as soon as possiblE. Blom kepikiran mau jd apa abis itu. Tapi entah kEnapa waktu itu gw jd mikir about us in thE next 5 years maybe. How I will work dan jadi wanita karir, sementara dia bakalan bErkutat dgn hal yg sama (hobbynya) dan gitu2 aja. Suddenly I felt this isn't what I wanted, I felt moving forward, while hE stuckEd, I was afraid he couldn't chasE me. Just like fitrop too, I knew exactly his drEam, but it's gonna be so hard when you had no targEt or goals or timE limit to get thEre. So the love was gone, evaporated.. It just wasn't suitablE anymorE, at least for mE. and it was supEr hard to be separated. But I think I took the right dEcision. Now I SEe him still in thE same place as I was lEaving him. Wish the best for him though..
ahakk.. So whEn they ask me what kind of man I'd like to have, again I'll say the godly man who's financially and mentally stable :) Gila ya crita cowo mah emang ga pernah ada abisnya. Haha.. Okey now, I'm not lookin for a bf, but a futurE hubby! Lol..
Hello hello courtship!! :))
Xoxo, S
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
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