Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Kaleidoscop

Got my new Blackberry Gemini as a birthday gift from mom. Yeah, finally the environment forced me to use a BB. Social matters. lol. 

Went to Sundak beach with my highschool mates and it was a really fun mini reunion :) I would be missing them. cover3

Baked a valentine’s chocolate pie and had no one special to give. lol. I was freaking single along this year.

Graduation. Of course it was the best part in this year. My 4 years time in university finally ended, i’m a Bachelor of Engineering now :D My great friends had also graduated. I wish the best luck for those who haven’t. Keep fighting!! :) img001  

First time abroad. Trip to Singapore! :) I’d like to do it every year. Haha!! Wondering where would i get the money..*sigh* Phuket on 2011 maybe? ;)DSCN5488_¸±±¾

I think i was blogging more active this year. I wrote lots of thoughts, reviews, uploaded some of me singing on youtube. The blog reached 10.000 viewers in this year. Yeay! :D

Anyway, i did my first test and interview for a job in this year. Haha! I failed 4 times on the interview, for God’s sake. That’s so pity of me. But i think I did great on the last interview because they’ve called me for another interview on January :) Well, let’s see what happen next. I believe in God’s plan, He provides the best for me.

See ya on next year!! ;)


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gunung Kidul Tourism (Beaches in 1 Region)

Gunung Kidul is a part of Jogjakarta Province, with Wonosari as the state. It lies in the south east of Jogjakarta City. We spend usually 1 hour to reach Wonosari. They offer natural beaches as the main tourism destinations and also the other natural objects.

Baron beach is a main beach tourism object and the most crowded beach among the others. It is surrounded by limestone hills, with a path on it. On the west, there’s a mouth of underground river, so that there’s a place where salt-water and fresh-water meet. The hills are so pretty indeed. But the crowded are too much. Outside the beach there are many small restaurant that offer seafood and other foods, but it’s not recommended to eat there. The other beaches lay at the east of Baron beach.100_1452 100_1453

100_1451_¸±±¾ - The lake where salt-water and fresh-water meet-

Kukup beach is a beautiful large white-sand beach, where we can find various kind of sea fishes sold by some traders along the beach. There’s also a coral isle with a viewpost to enjoy the sea.escape

Sepanjang beach is a natural conservation beach because in certain time turtles lay eggs. It lies about 1km of the east of Kukup beach.wsepanjang1

Drini beach is a traditional fishermen harbor and a fish public center. There’s also a coral island and many Drini trees that can be used to avoid poisonous snake. Drini is my favorite beach among the other that i visited yesterday :) 100_1456100_1461_¸±±¾ 100_1465_¸±±¾ 100_1475_¸±±¾ 100_1477

Krakal Beach is the longest beach among the other beaches. The white sand sparkling along the beach is very ideal for tourists who want to enjoy the sea scenery. Pantai Krakal (2)

Sundak beach is the other famous beach like Baron. It offers a place for camping ground. Not far from the beach, there’s a fresh-water source in a small cave and used by people to supply their drinking water. There are some villas and cottages not far from Sundak beach, check my previous post about Villa Crab.100_1484_¸±±¾

Siung beach is located in Purwodadi village, about 35 km from Wonosari. Its typical character is the cliff surrounding the beach and very ideal for rock-climbing. The facilities to reach the beach is pretty good. Pantai Siung 4

Wediombo beach is so so far from Sundak (my thoughts :P). Though it’s only 40 km from Wonosari. You can see the sea panorama from above the hills or from  the beach. I didnt go to the beach on my last visit, too tired to went down there. 100_1485dscf0155

Sadeng beach is lies on the east of the beach range in Gunung Kidul. Sadeng beach is potential with its lobsters and tuna fish exported abroad. In the journey before we reach Sadeng beach, we can also enjoy the view of Suling Lake, a valley believed as the down stream of the ancient Bengawan Solo River which is suitable for tracking.sadeng pantai4

There are other beaches i dont mention above, like Indrayanti beach, Ngrenehan beach, etc. Beside so many beaches in the same region, we can also enjoy the karst area of Pegunungan Sewu (Sewu mountain) and i really2 excited to go there on my next trip, enjoying the cave and lake. Below is Gunung Kidul map and tourism spot. Enjoy!!Peta dan Rute Wisata Pantai Gunungkidul



Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Scrapbook Fever

I was back into scrapbook fever again :p Made a birthday card for my mom and also my friend’s cousin.. I hope they liked it! :) And also Christmas card and New Year card for tomorrow!! Yayy :))mom bday mom bday2sally bday

xoxo :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sepakbola Indonesia

Well,, gonna write in Indonesian for this post.

So, siapa yang nonton final leg pertama Malaysia vs Indonesia di Stadion Bukit Jalil Malaysia?!? I believe almost every Indonesian watched it, supported our team, prayed for their winning. Tapi sayang sekaliiii,, Indonesia baru aja kalah 3-0 dari Malaysia, seteru besarnya. Padahal pas penyisihan group di GBK Indonesia, malaysia digasak 5-1 sama Indonesia. Well, pukulan telak tapi Malaysia bisa bangkit. Mereka yakin bisa memenangkan laga kandang di Malaysia.

Now what about Indonesia?? Dengan segala dukungan rakyat Indonesia plus optimisme tinggi, mereka bertandang ke malaysia, ingin membuktikan bahwa gak pernah terkalahkan dalam 5 laga kandang itu bisa menjadi modal.

Saya sendiri gak pernah nonton Liga liga Indonesia, walaupun saya fans berat Manchester United. Menurut saya permainannya kurang menarik aja, atau mungkin emang beda kualitas dan beda skill lah ya sama sepakbola Inggris. Tapi kalo udah membawa nama Indonesia alias timnas, entah kenapa saya lalu menjadi nasionalis.. Hahaha.. Gak cuma sepakbola sih, sejujurnya dari bidang apapun asal mereka membawa nama Indonesia pasti saya langsung jadi nasionalis dan excited :D

Tapi hari ini sejujurnya saya kecewa juga sih atas kekalahan mereka.. Walaupun saya berharap mereka tetep menang dan jadi juara AFF 2010. Gamenya jadi super panas, ditambah supporter yg panas juga.. Yg mulai gak beretika karena pakai laser2 buat distract pemaen Indonesia. Yg akhirnya pun memancing pemaen Indonesia buat protes di menit 54. Dan setelah kejadian pertandingan yg berhenti sementara krn masalah laser, Indonesia langsung kebobolan 3 goal dlm 20 menit. Memang tidak bisa menyalahkan laser, MENURUT SAYA itu karena mental timnas aja yang kurang oke. Dan permainan mereka pun emang sangat ga maksimal, keliatan gugup. Yang utama sih defense yg super duper payah.. Segampang itu pemain malaysia masuk ke kotak dan nyetak goal, sekali lagi 3 goal dalam 20 menit saudara2... Kalo mau defense ya yg sepenuh hati, lari juga ampe mati, jgn setengah2.. Sayang di tipi ga ada perhitungan ball possession, karena kalo dilihat, jelas banget malaysia punya jauh lebih besar possession di game tadi. 60-40 mungkin. *sok pakar sepakbola* hehehe... Pengaruh karena main di kandang malaysia kah? Tentunya kita gak mau donk timnas cuma dicap jago kandang doank? Saya sih cuma bisa tetep mendukung timnas, berdoa semoga permainan mereka di leg 2 di GBK bisa jadi jauh lebih baik.. Back2 ga bermain tanpa koordinasi gitu, serangan juga bisa lebih tajam. Dan si kiper jangan kepedean sukanya maju2 ke depan ninggalin gawang. *peace*

Di luar permainan timnas sendiri, supporter Indonesia emang patut diwaspadai, krn beberapa pertandingan terakhir di GBK pun mereka cukup mengerikan. Tidak berbudaya, tidak beretika, dan identik dgn rusuh!! Well, mayoritas aja sih.. Tapi mayoritas dari 80000 orang tuh kan banyak!! Kita sibuk ngomongin laser malaysia, bukannya supporter Indonesia juga maen laser pas timnas lawan Philippine?? Jelas2 ada foto beredar di twitter yg menunjukkan kelakuan supporter Indo itu. Belom lagi petasan ato apa lah itu, sama aja di Indonesia jg masi lolos tuh yg pada duduk di tribun atas. Selama ini Indonesia masih menang di GBK, gimana kalo besok kalah?? *amit2* Tapi saya ga yakin kericuhan jenis apa yg bakalan terjadi di GBK. Semoga aja supporter disana bisa lebih memakai otak dan gak asal rusuh, setelah berkaca dari supporter Malaysia hari ini. Gak seharusnya kita marah2 dan mencaci maki kalo kita sendiri masih kayak gitu kan??

Belom lagi masalah perusakan GBK sama calon penonton final leg 2.. That's so so pity.. Siapa yg harus disalahkan?? Jelas faktor ketidaksabaran dari supporter itu emang berpengaruh. Tapi siapa yg bisa sabar sih kalo udah ngantri dari tengah malem sampe siang dan masi blom dilayanin? Yang ada pihak panitia cuma ngasih janji2 bullshit. Saya jd inget pengalaman saya di rumah makan, saya nunggu selama 1 jam lebih dan akhirnya makanan yg saya pesan dinyatakan habis. Waktu itu saya gondok banget dan terus ngumpat2 lah.. Well, jadi walaupun saya ga merasakan turun langsung di GBK saya juga bisa mengira2 rasanya lah.. Mungkin kalo saya ada disana saya juga udah triak marah2, walaupun ga anarkis sampe ngerusakin kali ya, ga mampu.. Dan ga punya nyali.. Dan masih punya malu.. Hahaha.. Yang jelas itu panitia perlu kerja yg bener lah (saya ga nyebut PSSI loo), mulai dari sistem pemesanan tiketnya, keamanannya, dll. Gimana mau dilirik dunia buat jadi tuan rumah World Cup kalo masalah pemesanan tiket aja jadi masalah besar yg ga bisa diatasin (kalo yg ini otomatis PSSI). Dan parahnya udah berkali2 terjadi.. Gak ada perbaikan, yg ada malah ngeruk dengan naikin harga tiket. Shame on you, PSSI..

I'm just sharing my thoughts anyway.. Peace out!! :D

Berjuanglah timnas buat leg 2 besok!! Kalian belum kalah!! Piala masih did depan mata!! Impossible is NOTHING!! Garuda di dadaku, Garuda kebanggaanku!! Go go sepakbola Indonesia!!

Xoxo :)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010 :))

Hello readers!!!

it's 25th December here!! Hohohoho.. Merry Christmas to all of you!! :))

Jesus came to the world.. To erased our sins.. We shall give a very great gift for Him :)

May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,
The gladness of Christmas give you hope,
The warmth of Christmas grant you love.

God bless you :)

P.s : specially made this card for everyone.. Pardon me for the old photo.. I couldn't find any christmas photo of me.. This is the one.. Hahaha.. I think it was 5 years ago :p But see my creativity lah :))

P.p.s : it's been an awesome year for me!! So many blessings, so many miracles.. Thank God for accompanying me through this year. :)

P.p.p.s : I wish peace and love for everyone :D



Sunday, December 12, 2010

10000 Clicks!! :)

banner baru bawah

Oh my God, i never thought that my blog would go all out like this.. hahaha.. Thanks to all the readers who ever been coming to my blog, whether read, listening some post i made, and also watching the movie link I gave,.

So, i’m so glad that my counters has reached 10000 clicks!! Hahaha.. You’re the best!! :)

Most of you guys are coming here to watch “I Give My First Love To You” or read the Xiuxiu Meitu Tutorial. Hehehe… I hope you enjoy another posts such as the life lesson and also my food journal. I will always try to give you a useful blogpost, aite? Though this is actually my place to put my thoughts, ideas, mumbling, anything..

So, I don’t have any idea what should I share with you to celebrate this. Since this is a Christmas season, i’ll give you a download link of Glee The Christmas Album!! I love this album, the music and everything is sooo Glee. I cant stop listening to these songs :)

indowebster (82.82MB)


















Wednesday, December 8, 2010


When I was a little girl, people asked me, "what you want to be when you grow up?"

I usually answered, I wanna be an engineer. Although at that time I didn't know what engineer was. In my mind, engineer was someone who built a building. But the future dream usually changed, I loved singing then I dreamt to be a famous singer n artist.

I was a teenager, I learnt lot of things I didn't get on my childhood. I loved new things then I thinked that I wanted to build my own mall. That was okay to dream big, right?? Hahaha..

I grew up and got more and more knowledges and experiences. I saw many things. Suddenly I wanted to be a manager in the hotel business. I was really interesting on this hotel things, like meeting lots of people, foreigners, and of course speaking in English. English has always been my favorite lesson on school, beside math. I tried searching some hotel colleges but all of them were abroad, and of course mom wouldn't let me go. So I ended up on industrial engineering. And I did love interior design too. I just thought that I aint that creative, you know. But now I think I am!! I love decorating and arranging. I know I'm not good at drawing, that's why I always chose to be the conceptor on the 'mading' or 'mural' competition in school.

But hey, now I still don't know what I want to be. What I want is becoming a successful independent woman that responsible for my own life. I copied my sister's, but I think it's true. But I don't find the perfect place to put and develop my talent. What exact profession that can make me great??

I keep singing though nobody listens. That's my hobby since I was on elementary school. I won some singing competitions, fyi. Hahaha.. And also drawing and modelling. I was such a super talented kid. Lol. I remember I also liked to impersonating someone else, talking to myself, acting shortly. Hahaha.. For now, I still enjoy singing as my hobby, and writing, and also decorating or scrapbooking. Whatever.

Can you guys give me idea for something that will give me money? Like making my own totebag company, rather than submit the design to someone else.. I just thought about that yesterday.. When I was busy making the design, I meant arranging, because I took some scrapbook elements lah. Of course I don't have that ability to do such a great graffiti and draw like that. My photoshop skill is rated 5 from 10. Hahaha.. Forget about that, it's such a promising thing indeed. They sell the totebag for about Rp 100K each. Sooo expensive. And they give $200 for the winning design. Which makes everything so clear.. Why don't I make my own totebag corp?! Hahaha!! Anyone joining me???:D

Well, goodbye for now. I'm thinking while sleeping. Errrr...dreaming maybe??? Good night! =*



Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Spirituality Zone

I’m a Christian. I believe in God.

But, i barely go to the church. And yeah, i’m gonna fix this habit. Besides, sometimes i think that go to the church doesnt mean that u are just better than others who dont. And this is true. Our daily habit, like attitude, words, are just more describing our spirituality to God. How often you are cursing? How often are you doing a bad thing? How evil are you?

I do believe that every single people has their own beliefs. Despite the fact that they choose to go to the church every week or not. We have to respect their decision. I have a friend who always gives me encouraging words everyday, and he gives a service in his church. I said this is good, because he gives me a good effect. I just become more positive. You know what, you need to choose where to put yourself into, because your environment matters so much to your self.

For me, though I dont go to the church weekly, I keep believing that God is exist. That He’s with me everytime, watching me and protecting me. And, I do believe that He will come to the earth for the 2nd time and take us the children of God. I wanna be one of them, really. I dont want to be left behind on earth.  My scareness level is quite high for this thing. Does it require me to go to the church every week??

Well, but sometimes I have my doubt too. I’m questioning God why I kept failing on my interview, for example. It was 4 times!! But i’m faithful that  God has a perfect plan for me, and that I need to wait for His perfect timing. Maybe that was my own mistake, I wasnt ready enough for it. But God must have involved on that too right? I feel bad, because I always kept asking and asking but I did nothing to worship Him. Maybe that’s why I didnt get what I want. Arghhh.. This is insane, like talking to 2 different sides in myself.

But have you ever heard the sentence, that He gives us what we need, not what we want.

I really want to give some service to God, but I just havent got the call yet. And I dont find a perfect church that is comfortable for me. I remember when I was a child, I gave Him a service, praise and worship dances. And believe me i’ve ever being a worship leader on teenage service. Hahaha!! I was really enjoying all those service things, though it meant that i had to go to the church 5 times in a week. You know, praying every week. Fellowship with all people who also gave the service once a month. And when i gave service at the 1st schedule, i had to standby in church from 6 am. Awesome, huh? But i did enjoy it!! And i really miss that time :)

I’m trying my best to get into that track again, though it’s pretty hard. Too many temptations to stay away from Him. Lucky i have some friends that keep supporting me to keep faith on Jesus :)

God bless y’all!!




Tuesday, November 30, 2010

US TV Series

Holla!! This is the first post after i made the new look of my blog.. Not really new though, i just made a new banner and footer. And also change some colors for the background and the font. And also added new musics for the player. Hohohoho.. It’s just more whity, and blue and pink.

Okay, topic now, US TV Series, which is my to-do list every week. I mean, i keep watching it weekly, by streaming. Though i really hate my internet connection. It’s f*ckin slow. One question, how can Americans make so many good shows everyday? Unlike Indonesian with their sinetrons, eww!!

Sinetrons, drama and drama, with very bad appearance of the casts, too much makeup, and the story usually too dramatic. When there’s  no drama, they give us a cheap action movie with very2 bad special effect and just very bad in everything. No wonder i’m barely watching my TV. I prefer to sit in front of my laptop everyday..

Sooo, what i’m following now, still Gossip Girl, Glee, The Vampire Diaries, Life Unexpected, and The Mentalist. Gossip Girl, despite the intrigues every week, i really love this show! The casts, story, and everything is just perfect and every week it’s getting more and more entertaining. And the fashion for sure, also Blair and Chuck’s relationship. Glee, how can they make such a good visual and musical show?? I just love it, to the max! The Vampire Diaries, i  know this is a nonsense show. I admit that i was tempted by the casts. But it’s really great show though, it’s different from Twilight.. The girl is tough and the villain isnt really a demon, in fact he’s the hottest villain in history :D Life Unexpected, i loveee the show!! Too bad they will end it soon. I hope there’s gonna be next season. The Mentalist, it’s like a CSI movie, u know, detectives catch a bad guy, solve a case.

gossip-girl-season-3-cast-photo season-2-promo-photo_436x326 life-unexpected-promothe-mentalist-poster_558x745

The other series i used to watch was Flash Forward, this is a great great science fiction show. I cant wait for the next season. 90210, another teenage and adult drama, look alike Gossip Girl. Heroes, i watched it until season 3. I watched a lil bit season 4 but had not continued it. This show was really great on the 1st season, but getting worse after. Too bad :( I think i’ve watched so many series, but i cant remember all of it. Sometimes i didnt watch it continually, just like CSI, a lil bit Prison Break, Smallville, n Desperate Housewives.

I’m looking for watch Pretty Little Liars, based on a book. I think it’s pretty good show, and only had 10 episodes for the 1st season. They’re going to have another season on 2011. People recommended How I Met Your Mother to me, i havent had any chance to watch it. Also Entourage and the newest one is The Walking Dead. Have u ever imagined a zombie series?!? Hahaha, cant wait. I love zombie :D

Pardon me for this mumbling.



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Your Job Is Not Your Career

I just opened my blogpost about 2010 New Year’s resolution.. And well, to get a job in this year was one of my resolution. But from my judgement day till this day, i havent got one yet. I’m pretty frustrated. Though my rector said that average of UAJY’s alumni need 3 months to get a job, according to the datas. And yeah, i just graduated at the end of October.

I read a book, titled Your Job Is Not Your Career. It’s an Indonesian book, written by a headhunter. What i got as the point was u have to know your passion first, then follow it as your career. Passion is what u enjoy the most, like u do it everyday but u wont get bored of it. And your job isnt your career.

I question my self, i really dont know what’s my purpose in life. What i know, i wanna have great career, and develop myself to the max. From that career, i’ll get money and power. And i must fit into my job, which means that i have to like it first.  If you ask me about my passion, well, i have to say i’m confused. I like trying new things, but i usually didnt focus on that new thing. From this, i know that i’m a generalize typical person. I like being a general that thinks the strategy, than a specialist that does the stragtegy. I like inventing an idea. I like creative things, art, music, fashion. I also love singing, and writing. I’m quite creative, right?? Last time i realized one thing, that i always interested on sports, basketball, taekwondo, athletic, eventhough i dont really understand about the rules or anything, but i enjoy watching it. Sooo, what the hell is my passion?

I got a feedback from my last interview, she said that i’m a high drive person, which is really good. She told me that i could be good at anything i do. But i have to focus first, and determine my purpose. I failed 4 times on my interview. I always passed the psychotest, and failed on the interview. One at the user, and 3 others with the psycholog. I dont know why. What was my foul? Maybe, i just carried away by the way they interviewed me. Maybee, they saw me as a young girl that hasn’t ready yet to work. From the way i spoke to them. And sometimes i wasnt sure on my answer. Specially when they asked me about the marketing things. They could read it, from my face and expression, that i wasnt sure. I guess i need more practice. To be like a professional.




Sunday, November 21, 2010

Food Journal : Yo Cafe

Back with food journal.. I tried new cafe in my town, named Yo Cafe. It is placed in the new Graha Natasha Skin Care, at Jalan Kaliurang Yogyakarta. Basically, they provide light meals, like snacks, beverages, pastries, and lot of desserts!! :D

I ordered lots of dessert yesterday, but my favorite is chocolate truffle!! It’s sooo chocolate :) the cake is more like mousse, because really2 soft. But i loveeee this one..IMG00403-20101120-1929

Eclair, with pisthacios at the top.


American Chocolate Cake, tastes almost like chocolate truffle.IMG00405-20101120-1930

Orange Charlotte, tastes fresh. The cake is a bit sour.IMG00406-20101120-1930

Mango Pudding, the pudding is more like mousse, with slices of mango at the top.   IMG00410-20101120-1935

Black Russian, this cake consist of vodka, so i dont really like eating this too much. But if u like something different, u should try this.IMG00411-20101120-1938

Spinach beef Quiche, tastes really good!! My favorite for the pastries!!IMG00413-20101120-1947

For the beverages, we ordered Orange Peach juice and Tropical Tea. The orange in orange peach juice isnt really tasty, only slice of orange at the top. And the tropical tea is more like passion fruit for me :D

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Beside the order, they also offer beverage like coffee or latte, and also pasta for eat. Quite good for a new cafe.

