so lazy today~~ coz no class held today,, yeahh!! last nite slept @4, woke up today @1 pm.. omg, really2 lazy gal.. hehehe,,, today wont hav enough sleep again maybe,,, will watch the champion's league (go go ManUtd!!), n hav to wake up @6,, hizzz,, tomorrow will hav a final test for ma industrial control system practical class.. geezz,, i'm not ready at all~~ cant imagine wat kinda question will they ask to me.. hhehehe... i hav to go now, study2 =(
anyway, i'm sooo glad,,, no more TPFM~~~ it finally finished.. alre took the final test~~ pheww,, wish i got A!! hahaha...
gtg now~~~
kemayuna kotekooo
g ade bedane de kyane
asem ik,,, beda yo fee... jadi ga kempes2 gitu loo,,
ntu kan pas aku foto uda kena helm~ jadi uda kempes lagi,, tapi kalo abis diblow apikk,, hahhhaa,,
ngomong2 msn ku ge DC,, ga tau napa,, ga bisa sign in lagi..
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