Back again with the annual kaleidoscope! 2013 have been an amazing year so far, so many great things happened, also bad things, good and sad memories that accompanied me all along the year.
I travelled a lot on this year! Yay to this! The best time of the year was of course my travelling time. Malaysia and Thailand, a short visit to Bintan and Singapore, and even a local place like Pari island and Malang. They were all great and awesome and I wanna do it again and again. Going on holiday have never been failed to amuse me. Love love love travelling to new country and places! I hope there are many places to go too in the following year. Well, actually Singapore and Taiwan are already booked for next year. Haha! :D

Had a graduation ceremony from BDP BCA. Finally after a year graduated we celebrated the ceremony where we got the certificate and placate. Complete with traditional look for each batch. My batch wore Dayak traditional costume from Kalimantan. It was awesome cos I got the chance to gather again with my batch. I missed them so so much! I always love hanging around with them all. Some of us are really really close because we can go crazy together, talk about other people lol, and of course because we shared the same experience and history during our learning time in BCA.

I had completely moved on from the Russian Guy, thanks to my random friend who appeared in my dream one night. lol. It was such a random dream but it convinced me that I deserved better. Someone who of course appreciates me for who I am, values my dream and wants to grow with me. #code
“Where the hell is this prince charming in a white horse??”
Why are you taking so long to get to me? I am patient but it’s hard to find a man in the right time and place. But as people said, God’s timing is perfect. So I just have to wait as I develop myself and prepare to be a good woman and spouse and wife and mom. :)
Anyway, December has been a great month! Doing Christmas stuff in office like gift exchange and camwhoring all the time with Christmas stuff. It’s fun! Even my bosses joined the photoshoot lol.

Back in my hometown, I found so many old stuff that is very memorable. Also tons of my old pic that are really cute. I already put some in my new frame and I’ll bring it to Jakarta and put it in my room. Hihi. I had a Christmas dinner with my family and had another dinner with my bffs 2 days later. We also had a gift exchange. I love my bff and glad to have them as my friends. One of them is my cousin and the other has been friend with me for 12 years. Too bad some of them couldn’t join our dinner. 

Work for me was like a rollercoaster and unpredictable. Sometimes I love it, but I also hate it. I just wish that I can find something else that fitted me more and earn more money. Something I love more.
2013 passed by so fast for me. Really, it passed super fast, I remember that NYE last year I spent it with my family in Jakarta, watching movie while waiting for the count down. Anyway, thank you for everyone who was with me during 2013, who shared my ups and downs, thank you. It’s been an awesome year for me. I’m grateful for every lessons, experiences, things that I learned during that year. I wish that the new year brings more surprises and miracles and that my dreams come true. Wish that 2014 become a great year and even better year than 2013. Also I wanna grow closer to Him.
Happy New Year 2014!!