Thursday, August 15, 2013

Quarter of A Century

Yup, i'm reaching the quarter of a century in my life! It isn't that old right??;)) 

It was a blast on my birthday. I feel loved and greatly blessed. My mom and brother were still in Jakarta so we had a family lunch on my birthday for the first time since i was here. Went to Raa Cha, ate my favorite First Love cake. Late night, i suddenly had a surprise from my cousin and my friends. They came to my kost and gave me cake and did naughty thing to me. I felt happy though :D thank you for the dark surprise! 

Got another cake from my friend who's still in Jogja, it's kinda funny cake that comes with great packaging. I post the photo here, the not lego cake from Colette & Lola, a new cake shop in town. Again, i'm surprised. They cared a lot.. Hihihi.. And got another cake from my BDP family members, as usual. I find my BDP members are like my family, we're like talking without filter, act silly, i just enjoy my time with them :)

I'm so happy that i know lot of my friends care about me, a simple yet sweet thing. Even the very least thing like a greeting from Facebook, i think it's also kinda sweet because they spent their precious lil time to write it on my wall.

As for me in this 25 years of life, i'm so thankful to God that i have a healthy and happy life, also great family and friends, a good job, and thank You for standing beside me everytime in my life. Even though things got a bit rough last month, i could handle it. Maybe i'm kinda rare person who has a less stress. But that's a good thing! haha! What i want for the future? Still the same, to be closer to Him, to have my future husband in this year, to have a better career, to be successfull, to be more mature and a better human being. 

