Monday, April 26, 2010

Amazing Race Kali Code part 2

Horeeee….sudah selesai!! dan berjalan cukup lancar.. Finally it’s done!! Capek bangettt..tapi seneng bisa jd bagian dr team panitia.. It’s fun! hihihhi :D

Masukan untuk acara Amazing Race Kali Code ini, yah laen kali lebih dipersiapkan jauh2 hari lah.. Sponsor banyak, tapi malah susah ngedapetin peserta.. Peserta kebanyakan gak mau kalo bayar..hmmm.. Emank 100K utk 3 orang tu kemahalan ya? Pdhl mereka dpt makan siang, dpt 2x snack, dpt kaos juga.. Masih dpt duit kalo menang.. Panitia kurang serius, kurang koordinasi antara 1 dan yg laen.

Sampai aku bela2in gak tidur hampir 3 hari buat mempersiapkan acara ini..hohoho.. Baru mulai serius kerja menjelang hari2 H.. Sinting.. Lebih sinting sie acara brasa jd cuma aku sendiri.. Untung ada mas2nya :) Pitstop2 terbilang menarik menurutku.. Sempet gak nyangka karena peserta ternyata bisa nyelesaiin challange lebih cepet dr perkiraan. hahaha.. ampe panik berat.. Lebih kerennya menurutku adl karena ini ada hubungan sama dinas pariwisata. Sayang banget publikasinya telat. Coba kalo pesertanya bule.. haha.. Gonna be very cool..

Btw, ini liputan dr kompas :

YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS - Wilayah permukiman di bantaran Kali Code menjadi lokasi favorit untuk Kuliah Kerja Nyata di Kota Yogyakarta. Beragam perguruan tinggi secara rutin mengirim mahasiswanya. Selain belajar tentang kehidupan penduduk bantaran sungai, mahasiswa juga turut berkiprah bagi pembangunan aneka sarana dan prasarana umum.

Sejak Selasa (23/3) hingga Minggu (25/4), misalnya, sebanyak 58 mahasiswa tujuh fakultas dari Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY) menggelar Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) di bantaran Kali Code. "Kami fokus pada pengembangan bantaran Kali Code agar bisa menjadi salah satu aset pariwisata DIY," kata mahasiswa KKN UAJY, Abdul Hamid, Minggu.

Selama masa KKN, lanjut mahasiswa lainnya Agustinus Prasetyo, mereka mendata dan memamerkan potensi masyarakat seperti hasil kerajinan dan kesenian warga dalam gelaran bertajuk "Amazing Race Kali Code". Kegiatan tersebut antara lain diisi dengan pertunjukan tari oleh anak-anak dari tepi Kali Code.

Amazing Race Kali Code yang juga menandai penutupan masa KKN dimulai dari lokasi yang dulu sering digunakan Romo YB Mangunwijaya untuk mendidik anak-anak. Para mahasiswa juga mengajak siswa SMA dan masyarakat umum untuk turut terlibat menyaksikan karya warga Code dengan berjalan kaki dari Jembatan Gondolayu ke Sayidan. KKN UAJY kali ini merupakan periode kedua dari rencananya akan digelar hingga sembilan periode. Sebelumnya, beberapa perguruan tinggi seperti UGM dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta juga pernah menggelar KKN di Kali Code.

Beberapa warga juga memanfaatkan ajang Amazing Race Kali Code untuk memamerkan inovasi seperti pembuatan biopori sebagai sarana untuk peresapan air tanah. Warga Kampung Ledok Macanan yang terletak di bantaran Kali Code, Agus Subandar, mengatakan, warga mulai sadar tentang pentingnya pemasangan biopori sejak enam bulan terakhir.

Saat ini, seluruh jalan setapak di Kampung Ledok Macanan yang berpotensi genangan air telah dipasangi biopori berupa lantai konblok dengan lubang di tengah. Sejak pemasangan biopori, menurut Agus, hampir tidak ada genangan air di lingkungan rumah warga yang sudah sangat berimpitan. Ke depan, Agus berharap kehadiran biopori bisa berperan dalam kelestarian air tanah. (WKM)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Puri Asri Outbond

Haha.. Ini dia yang sudah sekian lama gak aku post.. My outbond story.. It was on March.. Tapi gara2 ga dapet foto2nya jadi ya belom diposting deh ;p

So yah, my outbond was in Puri Asri, Magelang. It’s only IDR 75K. Puri Asri has so much fun game actually.. The best is rafting.. Too bad we couldnt go rafting on that day, because my friend’s dad didnt allow her =( But i really wanna go there again someday, for rafting, not for the outbond! hahaha..

The outbond route is too short.. It was only 4.. But i missed one game.. Haha.. i’m such a looser.. lmao.. The best part of outbond is the flying fox.. I never get scare of it. Haha.. I love it! :)

Well, have a plan to go to Treetop Outbond in Kopeng. I saw some posts about Treetop n i think it’s awesome. Entah ngedenger dari siapa, tp Treetop itu merupakan salah satu tempat outbond yg berstandard nasional..

So here they are… The pics.. Enjoy! ^^ n for more complete pics :

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   IMG00727-20100302-1216  24922_10150143355355858_725165857_11699854_3075216_n


xoxo :)


Monday, April 19, 2010

Open Happiness Part 2

I found a new music video for Coca Cola commercial..hoho.. It’s the Korean version.. sang by 2 pm.. Check it out :

And for the other check out my previous post, here :)




Amazing Race X-Code

Yeayy!! So this is the top performance from my KKN teams!! Let me introduce u to “AMAZING RACE X-CODE”. 26501_1393943858748_1536733385_30990584_3351319_n

Generally, it’s just similar with the real Amazing Race show. Except that we take along Kali Code as the place. And we have some pitstops where u can find some specialties from Kali Code.  And to continue to the next pitstop, u have to complete the challenge. It’s really interesting!! Even a local citizen like me think that this is going to be fun and interesting. So yeah, u should join this race!! I hope the people in Code continue this event yearly :)




Sunday, April 18, 2010

Miss Mellow :(

Hihihihi.. i miss my blog so much.. But i have nothing to share though.. hmmmm.. Well, i still feel sad when i remembered abt my past bball championship :( we lose, reached the 5th place.. okay, that was quite good coz we could beat Borobudur at the end.. show them who the real Atmajaya is.. Hahaha.. But i still want a rematch with Kesatuan, cant believe we lose!! =’( And the best part was UNY lose too! xD They wont go to Libamanas 2010! lalalalalala.. call me mean, but all my teams are really hoping for that.. lol.. Sorry guys, but if we couldnt go there, then u wouldnt.

What else? ah, my ladies, welcome to the single mingle club.. lol.. yeah, lot of my girls break up with their bf (ex-bf now). Let say that i knew they will end up like this.. Coz i dont really like their relationship from the beginning. It’s not worth to keep it since the 1st time. One was got too much reactions, her boy is over over protected, the girl couldnt go anywhere, no friends. The other one was living in a lie. They lied to each other. And the boy doesnt give her any respects at all. The other one was starting their relationship in a lust. Haha.. easy girl, i must admit, with a high temperament boy. Lots of PDA show along their relationship. Disgusting :( Well, just hoping u all get the best for your life.

That’s why i keep on choosing my Mr. Right. I must confess, that i’m a lil bit frustrated now. Where is he?! Why i cant find him?! :( Oh please, i need a man. Yeah, a man who can guides me, takes me whatever i am, and the one who makes me comfort everytime i’m with him. Hux…

I wish to meet u soon :)



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Japan Edition

It’s not me who went to Japan.. lol.. It’s my bro.. What we got from him.. not much :(





the dress is from uniqlo.. it’s GVGV.. the black dress belongs to my sis..bzzz…why he gave the grey one for me? he said that lot of japan girls dress like that there.. and we still have the japanese nut, chocolate :D hihihi.. wish that i could go there someday :)





I’m sad.. I’m totally sad.. I wanna cry and cry.. I’m upset actually.. It’s so close.. The opportunity is in front of us.. We can reach it.. But then, everything is disappear.. It’s gone.. We lose the game.. We lose the ticket to Libama Nasional. T___T

Padahal di awal udah sangat meyakinkan.. We beated Atmajaya Jakarta sama Widyatama Bandung. Walopun kalah dr Borobudur, kita tetep runner up grup dan masi jalan ke quarter final. Siapa sangka, nasib kita ga jauh beda sm Man Utd.. Hahahahaha..

Shit, padahal tadi udah bangkit. Udah yakin banget bisa ngejar.. Walopun aku cuma manajer dan ga maen, tp aku juga kecewa berat.. And the worse thing is this is the last time i take the team.. This is my last championship.. And i fail.. I cant bring them back to Libanas.

Kesel, gelo, semua campur aduk jd satu. Aku tau semua pasti kecewa berat. Apalagi para pemain yg hrs ulang dr awal. Harus balik ke daerah lagi. Tapi apa daya kalo ternyata emank itu jalannya.

Cuma berpesan buat teman2ku yg masih muda : jangan patah semangat. terus latihan. pasti ada waktu buat kalian menjajal Libamanas. Jalan kalian masih panjang. Yang penting jangan berenti berusaha dan latihan yg lebih rajin buat lebih baik lagi. FIGHTING!!




Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No one falls in love by choice,

it is by CHANCE.

No one stays in love by chance,

it is by WORK.

And no one falls out of love

by chance,

it is by CHOICE.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Journey of Thesis (Part 6)

Hurayyyyy!! i’m moving forward.. hahahaha… After a very2 hard n tough decisions to make, between do and dont.. lol.

So finally i’m starting my simulation. Actually the main thing on my thesis is the simulation. Yeah, it runs everything.. But it can ruins everything either. hahaha.. So yeah, i still confused.. Still dont have some formulas for some distributions.. arghghh!! I need guru!! Please, please help me…… Hufh =(

Aduh… Semoga lancar2 saja ya Tuhan. Targetku akhir bulan April selesai smua simulasi.. Ganbatte ne Susan!! :D



Monday, April 5, 2010

Cerita Hidup 3

Apakah kamu tertawa saat orang2 mengolok2mu? Walaupun kamu tahu itu hanya sebuah lelucon? Apakah kamu akan tersinggung? Atau menanggapinya secara santai?

Lelucon yang sangat lucu pun bisa jadi basi dan garink ketika sampai di tangan orang yg tidak humoris. Beruntung ketika itu disampaikan ke orang yg spontan. Tapi ketika leluconmu berupa olok2 terhadap orang lain, akankah orang itu menganggapnya lucu? Di luar dia memang tertawa, tapi apakah kau tahu apa yg ada di dalam hatinya?

Mungkin dia ingin memaki-maki kita. Atau bisa saja hal itu malah menyebabkan depresi berlebihan yang bisa membuatnya nekat.

Pernahkah kamu berpikir ketika keadaan berbalik? Apa yang akan kamu lakukan ketika berada di posisinya? Kamu pasti akan merasa,”ah itu biasa saja”. Tapi ketika sampai pada saatnya olok2mu itu menyinggung titik terlemahmu dan sangat mengganggumu, akankah kamu masih berkata hal yg sama?

Jadi sebaiknya pikirkan dulu siapa lawan bicaramu, topik bicara, serta suasana hati lawan bicaramu saat itu. Sebelum semua leluconmu berbalik menjadi kata2 mematikan. Watch out, “MULUTMU HARIMAUMU” :)




Saturday, April 3, 2010


Happy Easter!! He is risen!! God is great all the time :D

And at this saturday night, i’m totally sick. Bad cough, bad flu, and my head is spinning around everytime i stand from my bed. sigh…

And too bad that Man Utd lost from Chelshit. Not fair! Drogba was offside!!! bzzzz!!! it should be draw!! fakk! Whatever, United is definitely gonna back to number 1!

Haha.. Good night readers.. And once again, Happy Easter :)

God bless,


Friday, April 2, 2010


Welcome April :)

This month is full of blessings.. It should be..haha..

Anyway, happy Good Friday to u all.. n Happy Easter also..

God has sacrificed His self for us.. Let's not make it useless.. Let's do what He wants us to do..

I just got my full body treatment today.. facial and body spa.. Not spa.. I dont know what lulur in english.. hehe.. It was hurt!! Got my pimples out.. ouchh!! And the lulur was very great.. My skin is as smooth as a baby.. lol ;)

Went to a new dining place which is kinda nice i think.. Named Rumah Pohon.. The taste of the food is okay, affordable price too. And the place is near to my home.. Well, i’ve been stayed in Jogja since 1996, but never knew that place before tonight. Geez! But too bad we came on night.. When u come in noon, u can go upstair to the 5th floor and see the beautiful view of Jogja :)

I just visited Celine, my cousin's daughter.. She is totally cuteeee.. I couldnt resist to hold her and touch her cheek.. But i couldnt get closer to her cause of my cough..heehe..

Welcome to the world, Celine.. prayin n wishin u all the best :)

Arghh… i have a cough n a flu now.. damn! why they should come together?! errrr…