Saturday, November 14, 2009

Supa busy day~~

Sorry for being a very bad blogger.. haha.. i’m not a real blogger.. i juz had a very very busy day yesterday..

the friday the 13th is awesome! haha.. 3/5 of my plans was workin on time.. except my 1st mornin class,, didnt make it.. huhu.. gara2 bangun jam setengah 7 kurang lima,, sampe ga sempet mandi (call me disgusting, haha..), pake acara STNK ketinggalan sgala sih!! arrgghhh!! bikin telat.. uhuhu.. akhirnya terdampar d kost ai’ deh.. dan sesuai rencana semula, bolos PPOM buat ngerjain maintenance.. gile dah,, how come ppl invented a software like maple!!??

n thenn,, watch 2012 premiere! hoho.. sepi sekali pas jam pertama.. padahal yg antri udah kyk bebek gitu ajah.. thanks to ai’s bf deh yg udah mau ngantriin tiket buat kita.. hoho.. the film is quite good sih.. efek2nya uda pasti okeee bangets.. tapi jalan critanya ketebak banget.. heran juga kenapa ratingnya bisa turun terus.. is it jus like another disaster movies? tapi keren sih,, wonderin if it happened for real,, uwwaaaaa.. can i survive? haha..

rencana gagal satunya adalahhh,, ga bisa ngambil duit ke BAAK.. hehe.. gara2 nonton ituuu.. untung ada obe.. thanks say, gapapa lah kali2 kamu yg ke BAAK,, itung2 jd tau gitu prosedurnya :P

last thing, briefing buat LO taekwondo.. aaaa,, will b supa busy next week.. dunno how to spend the time well.. pembekalan2 LO banyak tabrakan tanggal sm libama daerah.. moga2 jamnya ga sama deh.. n i need to learn some languages n cultures from the participant’s countries.. oh well,, God, please guide me to through those days..

btw terkadang hp mati itu menyenangkan juga.. bikin tenang, ga ada yg telpon2.. hahaha.. ngomong2 soal handphone,, damnn!! pengen banget ganti HP!! shit! but i know my mom will not ever buy it for me! damnnnn… desperade..

well,, need a sleep~~ nites! :)




Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween Post

       guys,, menyempatkan diri ngeblog setelah bermalas malasan.. hehe.. barusan mati lampu nih,, padahal td udah sempet ketiduran.. tp ternyata panas yg mengerikan ini membuatku ga bisa tidur dan alhasil aku bangun lg,, sambil kepet2.. astaga!! it’s so close to hell eh?? PANASNYA!!

Btw last week i went to halloween event at the ice land.. an ice skating court.. n i had no costume actually,, so i decided to b a gypsy girl.. haha.. n i didnt look horror at all,, coz i was full color.. haha.. but it was kinda nice n fun,, though i couldnt walk through those ice.. hahahaha.. kapan ya trakhir maen di es? uda lama banget,, dan dr dulu emank ga bisa.. wkwkwk.. mana kaki sakit banget lg..spatunya sakittt… TT

so here they r…



the dracula, scar girl, n gypsy girl.. haha..13043_1238817444545_1052539577_30744755_3250237_n13043_1238804524222_1052539577_30744709_8274495_n13043_1238809444345_1052539577_30744729_6228882_n

the top is my mom’s.. inside it is my zara singlet.. mom’s skirt too.. kinda nice :) n scarf for my head.. n scarf for the belt.. hahaha.. silly gypsyan girl..


my friend (the one right besides me) got 3rd best costume coz his morphsuit.. haha.. it’s cool dude!!