Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010’s resolutions

okey.. menyambut taun 2010, yg katanya adalah taun keberuntungan buat aku (Amin..), ada bbrp resolusi yg mudah mudahan tercapai..

  1. Lulus dari UAJY dengan gelar Sarjana Teknik
  2. Dapet job di luar negeri
  3. Get a new phone
  4. Fixing my teeth
  5. Fixing my acne scar
  6. Have a holiday abroad,, tapi dalam negeri jg gpp sih..
  7. Get a bf (cant stop laughing when writing this)

Memikirkan awal taun rasanya udah berat.. ada beberapa hal yg harus segera diselesaikan, trutama masalah basket yg agak menjadi beban buat aku.. fiuhh.. i need a new partner, a new manager. aku udah menemukan calon potensial sih, tapi blom tanya apa dia mau ato ngga.. heheheh…

abis itu blom ada pikiran mau skripsi ttg apa!!! at least for now.. arrghhh,, i have to look for some ideas!!

well, smoga resolusi ini tercapai dengan sebaik2nya.. Amin.




Monday, December 14, 2009

International taekwondo tournament was super!!

i almost forgot how to blog again, since my internet connection went down.. it has been more than a week i guess.. after the hard rain.. then i bought a new modem, DLINK.. it worked at the 1st time.. but then the ADSL lamp couldnt work properly.. n i have no idea why! even till this day! it just suddenly turns on n off.. fuck!

anyway, everytime i watch the pics of the tournament, i just miss all the things that happened yesterday.. so bad that i couldnt talk too much wif all the participants.. but i’m glad to have laos as my team,, cos they were rocked!! they’re just awesome! they competed on poomsae only,, took 5 classes, got 3 golds n 2 bronzes.. nice work kids! n they won the seagames too =) i’m so gladddddddd.. soukthavy was delivering the 1st medal to laos.. kii got the silver.. the men team got the silver either.. omg, i miss those kids.. i hate the fact that they cant speak we were just like tarzan when we communicated.. hahaa.. btw,, after the tournament, i’ve been searchin lot of things abt taekwondo.. haha.. n i found that mr.jeon is the vice president of lao taekwondo federation.. that’s why he was so bossy here.. haha. but still he has been good to me =) kissed my hand twice.. LOL

i cant forget how funny the thai team were! haha.. mr thor was so fun.. bang is kinda a cute boy, really cute.. but too young.. haha.. and ant, i think he’s a nice guy.. kinda calm.. n i met another cute guy from surabaya who is actually a korean boy, Jun Mo.. n a nice guy named Jason,, well, cant forget all the experience from the tournament.. n not to forget that i met julius again!! n he’s gettin older n hot ;P the only ppl left is japoy! too bad no philippines in that game.. huhuhu..

one thing, i got a lot of experiences n relations from this event.. n it really makes me develop myself more n more.. i hope i can work for the next tournament =)

for complete pics, check this link!


all the LO girls.. 9 of us.. miss u all =)    (up left to right : mba dini, nina, vera, indah, widya, via. down left to right : me, erika, jacinda)


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1st day : my LAOS team. they were rockin the  poomsae stage! haha.. proud of u guys.. all of them got medal.. n they were the general winner of poomsae category..

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some of the cutie guys.. LOL



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2nd day : the poomsae was over.. so it was time to trip.. i took them to borobudur, prambanan, n then parangtritis.. those were the only pics with master.. but they got my pics on their camera.. look how happy them when they were on the beach.. haha.. we wouldnt go back if all of the batteries werent dead.. LOL.. my camera, kii’s handycam, manirard’s camera, n soukthavy’s phone.. LOL.. i cant understand why they didnt bring any sandals or shorts.. geez.. they only brought that costumes.. training short n shoes.. weirddd ==’


our winning face =D


the girls n our dad, mr.sea hedgehog =)




Saturday, November 14, 2009

Supa busy day~~

Sorry for being a very bad blogger.. haha.. i’m not a real blogger.. i juz had a very very busy day yesterday..

the friday the 13th is awesome! haha.. 3/5 of my plans was workin on time.. except my 1st mornin class,, didnt make it.. huhu.. gara2 bangun jam setengah 7 kurang lima,, sampe ga sempet mandi (call me disgusting, haha..), pake acara STNK ketinggalan sgala sih!! arrgghhh!! bikin telat.. uhuhu.. akhirnya terdampar d kost ai’ deh.. dan sesuai rencana semula, bolos PPOM buat ngerjain maintenance.. gile dah,, how come ppl invented a software like maple!!??

n thenn,, watch 2012 premiere! hoho.. sepi sekali pas jam pertama.. padahal yg antri udah kyk bebek gitu ajah.. thanks to ai’s bf deh yg udah mau ngantriin tiket buat kita.. hoho.. the film is quite good sih.. efek2nya uda pasti okeee bangets.. tapi jalan critanya ketebak banget.. heran juga kenapa ratingnya bisa turun terus.. is it jus like another disaster movies? tapi keren sih,, wonderin if it happened for real,, uwwaaaaa.. can i survive? haha..

rencana gagal satunya adalahhh,, ga bisa ngambil duit ke BAAK.. hehe.. gara2 nonton ituuu.. untung ada obe.. thanks say, gapapa lah kali2 kamu yg ke BAAK,, itung2 jd tau gitu prosedurnya :P

last thing, briefing buat LO taekwondo.. aaaa,, will b supa busy next week.. dunno how to spend the time well.. pembekalan2 LO banyak tabrakan tanggal sm libama daerah.. moga2 jamnya ga sama deh.. n i need to learn some languages n cultures from the participant’s countries.. oh well,, God, please guide me to through those days..

btw terkadang hp mati itu menyenangkan juga.. bikin tenang, ga ada yg telpon2.. hahaha.. ngomong2 soal handphone,, damnn!! pengen banget ganti HP!! shit! but i know my mom will not ever buy it for me! damnnnn… desperade..

well,, need a sleep~~ nites! :)




Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween Post

       guys,, menyempatkan diri ngeblog setelah bermalas malasan.. hehe.. barusan mati lampu nih,, padahal td udah sempet ketiduran.. tp ternyata panas yg mengerikan ini membuatku ga bisa tidur dan alhasil aku bangun lg,, sambil kepet2.. astaga!! it’s so close to hell eh?? PANASNYA!!

Btw last week i went to halloween event at the ice land.. an ice skating court.. n i had no costume actually,, so i decided to b a gypsy girl.. haha.. n i didnt look horror at all,, coz i was full color.. haha.. but it was kinda nice n fun,, though i couldnt walk through those ice.. hahahaha.. kapan ya trakhir maen di es? uda lama banget,, dan dr dulu emank ga bisa.. wkwkwk.. mana kaki sakit banget lg..spatunya sakittt… TT

so here they r…



the dracula, scar girl, n gypsy girl.. haha..13043_1238817444545_1052539577_30744755_3250237_n13043_1238804524222_1052539577_30744709_8274495_n13043_1238809444345_1052539577_30744729_6228882_n

the top is my mom’s.. inside it is my zara singlet.. mom’s skirt too.. kinda nice :) n scarf for my head.. n scarf for the belt.. hahaha.. silly gypsyan girl..


my friend (the one right besides me) got 3rd best costume coz his morphsuit.. haha.. it’s cool dude!!




Friday, October 16, 2009

I’m back!!!

Hahahaha,,, it’s been so long ya.. since my last post.. ohohoho.. yeahh,, i was so so lazy to bloggin.. geezz,,

think of using indo in this post.. ahahahaa… kemaren sempet janji mau nunjukin foto2 21st bday ku.. hahaha.. tapi sedang males mengupload nie… so, just open on my facebook..

Saia sudah dapet beasiswa PPA nya!! yayy!! bisa buat tattoo.. hahaha… tapi blom menghubungi pakpenk nih,, salah satu tukang tattoo terkenal d jogja (kata temen2 juga sih).. n about the design, i’m thinking about this one.. definitely i’ll use this design.. cuma kok kayanya kalo diblok item gitu bakal kliatan eyecatching banget ya,, bisa heboh orang2 di sekitarku.. hahaha.. kayanya butuh konsultasi dulu sama mr gepenk,, i need to discuss abt the color gradation..


Btw beberapa 2 bulan blakangan ini aku boros banget!! hufhh,,, n yay! my forever21 things is already come!! kemaren sih,, yayy yayy!! senang2.. dan untungnya smuanya cukup di badanku yg sedang mengembang ini.. hahahaha… damn! kapan aku kurus??!! n then,, aku uda punya fedora :) n then,, my sist already gave me the zara dress tat i really really like!! hahahaha.. thanks sist! =D


uhui!! my forever 21!! xD n the fedora.. haha..


ppl said i’m beautiful on this pic.. hahaha..

kyaaa!! badan hangus nih,, bahu merah2 smua,, tadi renang d siang bolong,, without sunblock!! so stupid! hufh! anyway thinking about cut my hair again.. cuma masi bingung!! mau keep biar panjang lg,, atau mau dipendekin lagi yaahh?? kalo tetep keep gini mau modelnya diapain??!! errrr,, need inspiration! kalo pendek,, kayaknya aku pengen modelnya katie holmes deh..


btw, i really need sandal!! gilaaa,, sandal buat kuliahku uda jebol.. hikssss.. in love with those shoes!! :) so bad charles n keith ga ada d jogja!! =(

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Btw,, kmaren abis nonton Ugly Truth,, n i think it was awesome!! hahaha,, kocak banget,, n kat heigl looks sooooo damn beautiful.. aaaaaa,,, pengen~~~ kapan kisah cintaku datang?? LOL~ well, see ya! try to update daily :)




Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Looklet Contest

Still playing looklet :) i’m definitely fallin in ♥ wit this web.. hehe.. there’s brand contest, now a contest to win the tatty devine necklace.. a glasses necklace.. n the set is in library,, so we hav to mix n match the style that suit to tat occasion.. so here r my look!


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Soo, which one is the best from these four pics above? Maybe i’ll make another again,, not now.. i got lot things to do! :)


Celebrating my bday,, make a bday babe ♥

e1ccd2e3-d1bc-41ec-adb5-06f8f760902bI just miss exercise.. huhuuh… i’m so damn fat now.. hiksss..

Well, will continue tomorrow.. c u ♥




Tuesday, August 11, 2009

B’day blast!!

I thank to God, for His bless for me,,, so i can live this world til now.. n for my families n friends,, who already gave their wishes.. Who were greeting me,, by facebook, SMS, phonecall, face to face, all… thank u! Hope the wishes come true :)


♥, Susan

Today, i woke up n then got a phone call frm my friends.. i cant say the name one by one.. i guess i got 200 + walls in facebook.. SMS,, n then when i went to uni, my friends gave me the greeting.. so yeeaaa,, thanks to u guyz.. hmm, gav a lunch near uni,, i really miss the foods near uni,, it’s been sooo long since my holiday 3 months ago? well,,, took the bday cake at the bakery shop,, ready to took the pic,, but then,, my camera died.. dunno why,, damn!! so yeaa.. i was pending the photoshoot.. lol

at the evening, ma cousin n i went to the mall, juz window shopping.. then we went to olala.. i didnt hav any idea at all,, suddenly another friend came out.. damn! she gave me a lil surprise.. brought the mini cake,, without any candles.. lol,, so i blew a firetorch,, hahha.. ate ice cream, chicken sumthing,,, so full :) then when outside,, they splashed me with water!! geez, at tat time i was alre having tat feeling.. lol.. thank God it was juz a water.. haha..

Will upload the pic soon.. guess after my party, aite?? tomorrow will hav dinner wit some friends n then party!! yeahh… c u ♥




Sunday, August 9, 2009

Looklet Week Collection


I HATE MONDAY! It's so last year.. Now u know what to wear to go to work.. A bustier dress with a shirt inside.. It's so pretty yet polite :)


Hey, tuesday is my family day.. i hav to pick up my lil twins brother, n stay in my parents house.. Comfortable is the key :)


Wednesday nite is me n my cliche time!! yeahh,, party over the nite!! So, do u think we're hot?! ;p


Save the nature!! It's my campaigne.. Let's see how they work..


Casual friday is my favorite time! Look like a nerd? Not really eh! The jacket is fave :)


Of course it's the dating! Now u know why my bf loves me ;) Simple yet effortless.

a108a68a-c608-4d71-aae2-3eb0deef3049It's beach time babe!! Holiday! Keep sexy though ;)  




Looklet part 3


Rural look,,,


This is the formal look,,,


Inspired by the roof top!! imagined to hav a party there! this is wat will i wear.. a cardigan to cover the cold :)


Balerina look.. yayy!! still, high heels rock!



Saturday, August 8, 2009

Looklet part 2


Fave!! i love the bold look :)


This is felly’s favorite.. coz she loves the sneaker!!


Not a picnic outfit actually… i dunno why i put tat giant bag..


Yup,, socialite :)


This one is my fave too! Introducing neon look :) Cool huh?





Damn!! i was really2 bored lately!! i juz stayed hum everyday, sumtimes went to bball court.. it’s totally sux!! huhh…

Glad tat i found new website,, it’s looklet. i got it from gogirl magz.. it’s about mix n match the wardrobe, choosin the model n the set.. like a fashion editor.. awesome!! definetely fall in love wif tis web! :)

Now i present you my collection :


my 1st editin.. again,, cant wear layer n high boots in indo, so yeaa.. i always get interested wif those things.


i imagined a photoshoot for a teen magz.. so yeaa,, is it nice?


inspired by a fashion blogger, rumi :)


love minis!! cant wear it too, since i ride a motorcycle. LOL

6af4166c-5bb0-46ee-abd9-bb8f1ca68d09love tis look! cool.. is it good for a photographer outfit? haha..

Next collection is abt to throw :)