I’m too tired to separate my blog entry into one tiny story, so I will just combine it all together. Haha. So, it’s gonna be a long post again. There’s nothing new in my life in the past couple weeks. I went eat a lot, made a documentation of the foods I ate, which is actually the point of this blog post. Sometimes I feel like I’m kinda ‘alay’ to snap all of those foods one by one, lol, except maybe it’s what those food journalists and critics do.
See, the problem in my life is that I love food so much, but in contrary I committed myself into some so called diet named OCD which forbids me to eat a lot and often. Well, I’m not that committed actually, I cheated a lot. Haha. But people said I got more skinnier lately that’s why I don’t want to leave the OCD, so I still do it but not regularly. I’m planning to do it again daily so it will cut off some of my fats more. I heard and read that OCD is somehow bad for your health because when you don’t eat in a long time, your body doesn’t produce the insulin hormone, and when you eat it will produce. The extreme condition when the insulin level in a low period and then suddenly goes high, this can make you get a diabetes, people said. But what happen when Moslems are fasting, they do the exact same thing, so it means that fasting is not good? But I’ve read that fasting is actually good, well maybe not for your whole life. I’ve searched some other method for diet called 5:2 diet, so you have 5 days to eat like you usually do, and the rest 2 days you have to cut off your meals into 1/4 of your regular meal. So a woman like me needs 2000 calories in a day, I can have it in that 5 days, but for the other 2 days I can only eat 500 calories per day. That’s the rule. But how am I supposed to count every calories I eat when I don’t have a diet catering or a personal trainer or a chef to cook for me?! Haha. It just really hard and I have to spend too much effort on that. :| Anyway, what kind of stupid people who wants to make a food journal but afraid to get fat?? Well, I guess it’s me. Lol. I’m definitely jealous of all the people who can’t get any bigger no matter how much they eat.
3 weeks ago I went to Dian’s wedding party in Bogor and I got the chance to meet my old friends there. Friends from university and also from my high school. Yup, Dian went to the same high school and uni with me so we kinda know each other quite long. Well, they aren’t really change at all, still the same shape, the same language, the same style. But I was glad to meet them, kinda bring me to the old good memories when I didn’t need to be stressful about work because I got a great job as a basketball manager back there in university, something I loved to do. Well, I ate Dead by chocolate cake at Dead By Chocolate cafĂ© in Bogor, which is taste pretty good. It looks like a lava cake except that it’s square and the melted chocolate doesn’t come out from the inside because it’s actually put in the layers of the cake. The cake itself tastes really sweet like almost too sweet for some people (lucky I am a big fan of chocolate), but the vanilla ice cream is actually balancing the sweetness of the cake. Too bad it melted too quick and they didn’t give enough ice cream for that big cake. I also bought lots of ‘roti unyil’ (some bread specialties from Bogor), but I couldn’t stand the queue. Ugh.
Anyway, congratulation to Dian & Warta, may you both have a great future life and a wonderful family and live happily ever after. God bless! :)

I really love the dress I wore that day, it’s simply the best buy of the year. Here I give you the big picture. I bought the dress like months ago and never worn it because there wasn’t any occasion for that. I love the printing on that dress sooo much, and also it has a low back cut. Well, why I told you that it’s a best buy dress? Because I bought it in a half price sale and it’s less than 400K! *big grin*
ootd : Dress | Suite Blanco || Shoes | Bershka
2 weeks ago I went to Grand Indonesia for another Saturdate with of course the two and only Julia and Evan, my two single friends. Haha. Yeah, we’re not desperate single people, we’re so ready to mingle, except where are the guys?! More about this later in this post, hehe.. We had dinner in Ninety Nine, my plan to had cheap dinner was failed. Ugh. And I was disappointed with the service in Ninety Nine, they are quite famous and expensive restaurant but the waiter that served us that night was a bad ass. He wasn’t a trainee but he was really dumb not to put my order in the computer. He also didn’t know the name of some menus, gave us wrong name. It wasn’t really crowded that night but they were really lame. Fortunately I had the courage to ask them about my dish and he just realized that he didn’t put it up in the system. Unbelievable. Well, luckily what I ate that night had a good taste. I love the mashed potatoes in my dori fillet, it blends perfectly with the lemon sauce. The dori fillet is fried with almond coat and it tastes good too! Big enough for dinner course. My ice lemon is so refreshing, worth to try! My friends ordered the regular dishes like salmon fried rice and babi rica-rica (pork) fried rice. The salmon fried rice however is delicious. It’s just too ordinary for a 86K meal. The cake in the picture is banana caramel cake, not a big fan of banana so I can’t really commented on it, but my friend said it taste so-so.
We tried this nitrogen ice cream for dessert time. It’s a new place in Grand Indonesia, named Ron’s Laboratory. Well, it’s now a mainstream dish just like bubble tea or red velvet, people are curious about the nitrogen ice cream. While actually I don’t know how the nitrogen has a thing to do with the gelato. Perhaps it’s the smoke in the production area? The decoration for the kitchen is actually quite unique with the drawing at the glass and the chalkboard, but they didn’t put enough chair for the customer. It was a full packed inside on that day and people didn’t suppose to stay too long there. The waiters also dress up like a laboratory worker and use a goggle too so it’s really unique. Anyway I tried the dark chocolate one (of course) and my friend tried the avocado. Well, it’s a 3 scoops ice cream with not so fabulous taste, so 50K is expensive enough, right? Lucky we came in the opening season so we got 20% discount. And by the way, the ice cream melted very fast. Don’t know if it’s because of the nitrogen factor or not. Anyway they have coffee and sorbet too, haven’t tried it yet though.

The last couple weeks, I’ve been treated a very good lunch. Went to Crab Paradise with my boss and my customers, it said they are the real authentic Thai food. So I’m really curious to try the curry crab, I expect it to be as good as the crab I ate at Kodang Talay, but it turned me down. It’s just really different, too much spices, too much curry, it tasted like a curry only. We tried the fish cake like in the picture below and it’s a lil cold and not soft, too dry, I don’t know, I just don’t like it. We ordered a seafood hotplate in order to buy some vegetable, but what we got was bloody much squids and prawns and another seafood without much vegetables inside, just see the pic below and you’ll understand. However, I like the cumi telor asin and cumi saos pedas, they tasted perfectly salty and spicy, love love it. The kepiting saos Asia pedas was actually good too, the sauce was much better than the curry sauce. Anyway we also ordered the tom yum, what’s the meaning of eating in Thai restaurant without a tom yum right? Well, for me personally it is too sour, I still prefer the tomyum in Mama’s Kitchen Mangga Dua. Overall, Crab Paradise is kinda like a family restaurant and the place is also really big for an office event or family event.

If you go to Marugame Udon in Mal Taman Anggrek, you will definitely eat a bowl of udon with maybe some tempura to accompany the udon. I’ve ordered a bowl once (forgot the name) but it tasted good. I like it. Well, couple weeks ago we tried the super big bowl. It’s not even a bowl actually, it’s kinda like a giant bamboo basket with udon inside it. Luckily u can ask your friends to eat that together because it’s seriously super large. The udon itself already had the salty taste but they gave us the broth with ginger which I initially thought as garlic, stupid me. So then I put it all and it taste like ginger, hell yeah. Lol. But it still tasted good actually. This super big basket is only 85K and you can share it with 5 people. I shared that it with 4 people and I was more than full. Worth to try the sensation! Haha.

Lobstar! Finally, I got the chance to taste the grilled lobster which I’m really curious about. I really want to try Loobie Lobster at the first place but my friends kept telling me that this one tastes the same and much cheaper than Loobie. So last week we had our lunch there, I ordered the whole platter for me and my friend. It consists of two little lobsters and fried calamari with rice and sambal. First, the plus point of Lobstar is that they have so many choices of sambal like sambal korek, sambal matah, sambal dabu-dabu, etc. And I can’t choose another sambal than korek. Now for the taste, I think they put too much butter in the lobster so it just tastes like a butter, and it’s hard to eat lobster with spoon and fork anyway. I couldn’t really eat the head part of the lobster too even when I used my hand. The calamary wasn’t really crispy and tasted like flour, this is the effect of watching Masterchef where there was fried calamary pressure test and the contestants failed. I mean, it’s as simple as fried calamary but turn out it’s hard to deep fried it and still make it tasty. As for the sambal korek, wasn’t really spicy for me and more sweet. Not good at all. Overall the taste of the lobster is so-so with kinda acceptable price. 95K for the whole platter and 60K for the half platter. They also have another combo that gives you dori fish and giant prawn. For now I’m just really curious about Loobie Lobster, I want to try the original one.

For some cheap weekend dinner, we went to Nasi Gila Gondrong last week. It’s super super cheap like only 15K and tasted really good. Nasi gila is the mix of sausage, meat, meatball, egg, with spicy sauce specially for me and some kerupuk. It is good, you should try! But beware, don’t choose another number, choose Nasi Gila 81 Gondrong. This foodtruck is at Jalan Besuki near Taman Menteng and open after 6pm. But late night they maybe move to Taman Suropati, so look carefully. I really couldn’t have enough of it, in fact I miss this food already!

ootd : Sweater | Cloth Inc || Skirt | Pull and Bear || Wedges | Bershka || Necklace | F21 ||
I really love this yellow sweater and I don’t know why. I’ve worn it like 4 times in a month. Haha. Do I look fat in that oversized sweater? Because sometimes I think I do. Well, talk about the love for the food, I think it’s quite long since I talk about my love life. No, I still don’t have a boyfriend right now :( , but I think I’m open to some possibilities. I find that man now is becoming more interesting than ever and I’m ready to begin a new relationship. Ahaa! Yup, I’m finally and completely moved on from him. Yay!! It was already quite long time actually, right after the dream of another man at one night. I was shocked that I can dream of another man when in fact I never had any contact with this man in couple months and he’s my friend and he has a girlfriend in real life, so there’s no way I will be with him, like ever. But he got into my dream! And it was the turning point. I dreamt about my ex earlier and it made me super confused about my feelings because I did hope too much. But then I realized that the dream was meaningless (since I could dream about another man), I just thought too much about it and it made me embarrassing and humiliating myself AGAIN in front of him. Like I made some stupid confessions that I was still into him for a year even though we had no contact. Like, really?! What was on your head?!? My friend told me that what’s supposed to go, you can’t hold it. Just let it go and believe that I deserve someone who appreciates me. Thank God I’m finally realizing my stupidity this whole time. :)
Well, I hope you enjoy this super long post with my nonstop rambling. Haha. Till I write again! Ciao! ;)
Ninety Nine : Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, East Mall, LG Floor, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta.
Ron’s Laboratory : Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, West Mall, 5th Floor – ED2-12B, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta.
Crab Paradise : Komplek Greenville, Jl. Ratu Kemuning Blok BK No. 1, Jakarta Barat.
Marugame Udon : Mall Taman Anggrek, 3rd Floor.
Lobstar : Komplek Greenville, Jl. Mangga Raya Blok H No. 1B, Jakarta Barat.